
Calculates the complexity of a caffe network

Primary LanguagePython


Calculates the complexity of a caffe network


Simply clone the directory. Make sure that Caffe is linked. Network must be specified in a .prototxt. Mean-Files will be ignored. Prototxt can either be in deploy or in train / vailidiation format. If there is no input dimension defined, the program will ask you to give the dimensions like: Channel Height Width.

The Batch size is ignored.

The program can be startet like this:

python Compelixity.py architecture.prototxt

Supported Layers

  • Input
  • Convolution
  • SoftmaxWithLoss
  • LRN
  • Concat
  • ReLU
  • Scale
  • BatchNorm
  • Pooling
  • InnerProduct
  • Eltwise


This program worked with GoogLeNEt, ResNet, AlexNet. Note that all prototxt files must be converted to the new standard format of cafffe. A python tool for this is available under [Converter] (https://github.com/kevinkit/ColdCoffeToHotCoffe). However there is also a c++ program implemented in caffe for this task.

What's happening?

The program loads the prototxt and continues to search trough to the layers. Once a layer is found it will try to find it inputs. And then calculate the following three values:

  • Nedded complexity
  • Needed memory for weights
  • Needed memory for feature maps

Note that these values are relying on the underlying implementation of the used framework. This is ignored in this program, and only gives a simplified result. Thus the result could be used for any framework, not only for Caffe as long as the network is describend in a .prototxt in the Caffe-layout.


The program will not work if...:

  • Caffe is not found
  • Python is not installed
  • The network structure is wrong, e.g. an undefined input is used
  • The architecture is described like in the old caffe version