
Man on the Side Attack - experimental packet injection and detection

Primary LanguagePython


Man on the Side Attack - experimental packet injection and detection

Required packages

  • netifaces
  • scapy
  • $ pip install netifaces scapy

Source code (written in python)

  • quantuminject.py ... Mots Injector
  • quantumdetect.py ... MotS detector
  • util.py ... Common functions
  • README.md ... This file
  • test.dat ... Contents to be injected as TCP payload


# python quantumdetect.py -h
    quantumdetect 0.1
    Usage: quantumdetect.py -i <interface> -r <file> -b <bpf> (Use -h for help)
       [Offiline] quantumdetect.py -r sample.pcap
       [Online]: quantumdetect.py -i eth0 -b tcp
      --version        show program's version number and exit
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit
      -i, --interface  interface of network device to listen on
      -r, --pcap       captured file to be inspected for MotS
      -b, --filter     BPF filter that specifies a subset of the traffic to be monitored
# python quantuminject.py -h
    quantuminject 0.3
    Usage: quantuminject.py -i <interface> -r <regex> -d <data> -b <bpf> (Use -h for help)
       eg: quantuminject.py -i eth0 -r 'w?rks' -d sample.txt -b tcp
      --version        show program's version number and exit
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit
      -i, --interface  interface of network device to listen on
      -r, --regex      regular expression to match the request packets for being spoofed
      -d, --datafile   raw data to be used as TCP payload of the spoofed response
      -b, --filter     BPF filter that specifies a subset of the traffic to be monitored

Tested example

  • All logs are recorded as a file. [injection.log or detection.log]
  • Note that the numbers in logs are IP IDs to be able to keep track of.
  • 'quantumdetect.py' can be either online or offline mode depending on provided arguments
    $ python quantuminject.py -i eth0 -r 'nop..nlife' -d ./test.dat -b 'dst xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
        quantuminject 0.3
            October 03 2015 12:52AM (Saturday)
            Packet injection at <eth0> interface
                    Monitoring with BPF: <dst xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
                    Finding the pattern with regex: <nop..nlife>
                    Injecting data file: <./test.dat> (404B payload)
                    (1) Injected packet IP ID: 22587 (corresponding 63411)
                    (2) Injected packet IP ID: 9246 (corresponding 26689)
            2 packets are injected! (20 monitored)
    $ tail -7 injection.log
        INFO:root:[Start] October 03 2015 12:52AM (Saturday)
        INFO:root:Sniffing on eth0
        WARNING:root:Pattern (nop..nlife) found in the packet IPID: 63411
        WARNING:root:Injected the forged packet successfully! (MotS)
        WARNING:root:Pattern (nop..nlife) found in the packet IPID: 26689
        WARNING:root:Injected the forged packet successfully! (MotS)
        INFO:root:[End] October 03 2015 12:53AM (Saturday)
    $ python quantumdetect.py -r ./test.pcap -b 'dst xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'  (offline mode)
        quantumdetect 0.1
            5 packets are detected as injection! (200 inspected)
    $ tail -8 detection.log
        INFO:root:[Start] October 03 2015 12:31AM (Saturday)
        INFO:root:[Offline] Sniffing at ./noplanlife.pcap
        WARNING:root:Detected suspicious (duplicated) packet (MotS?) [18931 VS 1348]
        WARNING:root:Detected suspicious (duplicated) packet (MotS?) [48881 VS 1377]
        WARNING:root:Detected suspicious (duplicated) packet (MotS?) [48881 VS 1383]
        WARNING:root:Detected suspicious (duplicated) packet (MotS?) [48881 VS 1395]
        WARNING:root:Detected suspicious (duplicated) packet (MotS?) [1391 VS 1412]
        INFO:root:[End] October 03 2015 12:31AM (Saturday)
    $ python quantumdetect.py -i eth0 -b 'dst xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (online mode)
        quantumdetect 0.1
            5 packets are detected as injection! (200 inspected)