
Adding new localized strings.

colus001 opened this issue · 4 comments


Since I am new to ios development, it might sounds silly but need to ask about it. I'd like to add new localized strings for Korean developers. But I couldn't find solution to add new file to NSDateTimeAgo.bundle. I, of course, need the time-ago method for the current project. Please let me know how to add new locazlied string so that I can make pull request to enrich this fascinating category.


The localization code for Korean is "ko". To add Korean strings you'll need to make a folder



(project root)/NSDateTimeAgo.bundle/ko.lproj/

This folder should contain the file

(project root)/NSDateTimeAgo.bundle/ko.lproj/NSDateTimeAgo.strings

with the relevant translations.

I recommend that you simply make a copy of the existing Japanese folder

(project root)/NSDateTimeAgo.bundle/ja.lproj/

rename it to "ko.lproj", and then replace all Japanese strings with Korean ones.

Pull request was difficult. Please check.

Closed in 6a23713