A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad
- 0
- 6
Swift timeAgo returns empty string.
#90 opened by jacks205 - 0
How to add New Language ?
#124 opened by ratulSharker - 8
I cannot import pod to Swift project
#83 opened by moyoteg - 3
Time Ahead
#103 opened by girishnair12345 - 2
Bahasa Strings
#113 opened by kuyazee - 0
Slovak strings - rename file
#117 opened by dblazek - 0
- 0
- 0
Persian (fa) localization
#109 opened by iAlirezaKML - 0
"3 месяцев назад" -> "3 месяца назад"
#106 opened by kpamu - 0
French localization should be improved
#99 opened by EvgenyKarkan - 7
Push to Cocoapods Trunk
#96 opened by rad182 - 2
Projects including this file are unable to export XLIFFs in Xcode 6.3 and up.
#94 opened by MattFoley - 1
- 0
Carthage Support
#91 opened by kgn - 2
iOS8.0 deprcated
#88 opened by ancheng1114 - 0
arm64 Support!
#84 opened by nileshkikani - 8
- 0
Part of zh-Hans.lproj is not right
#81 opened by 5kccp - 2
- 3
Returns null when used through cocoapods
#72 opened by aryaxt - 0
Warnings in ios8
#75 opened by nullproduction - 1
Please visit DateTools instead
#73 opened by kevinlawler - 1
Resource files are not included when using the pod spec
#74 opened by Pipen - 0
Any plan to support "Time Later"?
#71 opened by qinidea - 5
string capitalization
#11 opened by chrisben - 4
Time Until
#14 opened by al-little - 6
Use of the term "Yesterday" is incorrect
#15 opened by chrisben - 2
Exception warning
#53 opened by arietis - 0
Addition to ReadMe
#54 opened by kostassite - 7
Localization is not working for pt
#59 opened by phelipemaia - 2
stringFromFormat throws exception
#61 opened by osrl - 4
Please release new CocoaPods release
#55 opened by virl - 1
Problem With Loacalization
#49 opened by fjcaetano - 4
Adding new localized strings.
#42 opened by colus001 - 3
- 5
Mistake In russian translation
#33 opened by wsnnn - 2
Error in iOS 6.1
#37 opened by chrysb - 1