
Ruby View Component Widgets for Nucleus

Primary LanguageRuby

The Widget Factory

The Widget Factory is a Rails 7 application for creating and distributing widgets in applications. Initially, this will be implemented in Nucleus but may go beyond if it proves successful.

Development Setup

See /docs/apdev.md for development within Docker.

Alternatively, after forking and cloning the repository. From your terminal:

  1. bundle install
  2. yarn install
  3. lefthook install (Installed by bundler. This will add linting validations pre-push)
  4. rails s -p 30013 (This is the default port expected by Nucleus)


Secure Request Salts

You will need to add a config/secreq.yml file with proper salt hashes for secure requests to our services. You can grab the contents of this file from Nucleus when needed.

Vendor API Access Tokens

There is a config/vendor_api_data.yml file. You'll need to create a config/vendor_api_data.yml file and add proper credentials for the APIs you're wanting to connect to.

There is a global variable set as VendorApiAccess.


When embedded within another MoxiWorks application (e.g. Nucleus), the session ID from the host application should be passed to the Widget Factory. For the embeddable component URLs, this session ID is part of the route (see Viewing Widgets). For the API endpoints, the session ID should be passed as a session_id query parameter.

JWT Authentication

Alternatively, a JSON Web Token (JWT) can be passed to the Widget Factory in place of a session ID. You will still need a valid user uuid and password.

  1. Encode the password using Base64. For example, in your terminal:
echo -n "password" | openssl base64
  1. Send a POST request to /api/jwt with the following body:
  "uuid": "user-uuid-goes-here",
  "password": "encoded-password-goes-here"

The response body will be in the following format:

  "token": "token-will-appear-here",
  "exp": "03-31-2023 17:02"
  1. For any request to the Widget Factory, pass the token value as the Authorization header. For the /component/:name/:session_id routes, be sure to pass a dummy value for session_id (e.g. /component/tips/1234) so the route is matched correctly.

Viewing Widgets

Widgets are most often displayed within the Widget Panel Component. However, a widget component also has a standalone route at /component/:name/:session_id. This is used in Nucleus for the widget admin form preview. If the component has an "expanded" view (i.e. a modal), the route is /component/:name/:session_id/expanded.

For both of these routes, the name parameter is the name of the component (e.g. "list_trac"), and the session_id is the session ID of the user (see Authentication). The session ID acts not only as an authentication mechanism but also as a way to get necessary user data for third-party API requests, such as a user's MLS ID.

Widget Panel Component (My Widgets / Widget Library)

The widget_panel component is used to render both the "My Widgets" panel and the "Widget Library" modal within Nucleus. The "My Widgets" panel is viewable at /component/widget_panel/:session_id?components={components}, where {components} is a comma-separated list of widget component names. For example, to view the list_trac and tips widgets, the URL would be /component/widget_panel/1234?components=list_trac,tips. This parameter is used by Nucleus to list which widgets are available to the user. Keep in mind that the widget panel may still not display a widget if it has not been activated by an administrator, or if the user has opted to remove it from "My Widgets".

The "Widget Library" is the expanded view of this component, so its route is /component/widget_panel/:session_id/expanded?components={components}. The components parameter is required for both routes.

Adding, Removing, and Sorting "My Widgets"

A user may remove a widget from "My Widgets" either by clicking "Remove widget" in the widget's context menu, or via the "Widget Library" modal. When a widget is removed by a user, a record is created in the user_widgets table (if one does not already exist for that user and widget), and that record's removed column is set to TRUE.

The user_widgets table is also used to store the user's custom sorting of widgets. If the widgets are reordered in the "My Widgets" panel, records are created or updated with necessary changes to the row_order column.

Creating a New Internally Hosted Widget

Create a New Widget Component

A new widget component may be created using the Rails generator. The component must be namespaced for the dynamic routing to work. For example, a todo_list component would be namespaced as TodoList::TodoListComponent. To create such a component, run the following command from the project root:

bin/rails g component TodoList::TodoList

This will create the following files:


The component will be viewable at the following URL:


Leverage the Inline and Expanded Widget Components

Inline Widget Component

The inline_widget component is not a widget itself but provides common UI and functionality needed to render a widget "inline" (as shown in "My Widgets"). To use this component, your template should resemble the following:

<%= render(InlineWidgetComponent.new(widget: @widget, library_mode: @library_mode, error: @error)) do %>
  <!-- Your widget's inner HTML goes here -->
<% end %>

The Inline Widget component provides many JavaScript utility methods under the window.WidgetFactory namespace. These can and should be used to log analytic events, expand the widget, etc. See the app/assets/javascripts/inline_widget_component.js file.

Expanded Widget Component

The expanded_widget component provides the functionality needed to render an "expanded" widget (i.e. a modal). To use this component, your template should resemble the following:

<%= render(ExpandedWidgetComponent.new(widget: @widget)) do %>
  <!-- Your widget's inner HTML goes here -->
<% end %>

Add Custom JavaScript

If the component requires its own JavaScript, create a file in app/assets/javascripts. For example, for the todo_list component, create app/assets/javascripts/todo_list_component.js, and add the following line to todo_list_component.html.erb:

<%= javascript_include_tag "todo_list_component", type: "module" %>

Add Custom CSS

To add custom CSS, the current convention is to add a directory and style.css file to app/assets/stylesheets. For example, for the todo_list component, create app/assets/stylesheets/todo_list/style.css, and add the following line to todo_list_component.html.erb:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "todo_list/style" %>

Create the Widget Record

The new component will need to be associated with a new widget record in the widgets table. This record contains the additional metadata needed to render and manage the widget.

Create a new migration to add the widget record. For example, to add a todo_list widget, the migration should perform the following:

  component: "todo_list",
  partner: "Example.com Inc",
  name: "TODO List", # Shown in the header of the widget
  description: "Shows your list of tasks to complete", # Shown in the Widget Library
  logo_link_url: "https://example.com/todo-list", # The external URL that opens when clicking the widget's logo
  status: "ready", # or "draft" if the widget will be activated later by an administrator
  activation_date: Time.zone.now # or nil if the widget will be activated later

Add a Default Logo

To add a default logo for a new widget, place the file in a subdirectory of /assets/images (e.g. /assets/images/todo_list/logo.png). Then, update your migration to attach the logo to the widget:

Widget.find_by(component: "todo_list").logo.attach(io: File.open(Rails.root.join("app/assets/images/todo_list/logo.png")), filename: "logo.png")

API Endpoints

As mentioned previously, all API requests should provide a session_id query parameter for authentication purposes. This parameter is not required for the /api/jwt endpoint.

GET /api/widgets

Returns an array of all widgets.

GET /api/widgets/:id

Returns a single widget. Example response:

  "id": 3,
  "component": "todo_list",
  "partner": "Example.com Inc",
  "name": "TODO List",
  "description": "Shows your list of tasks to complete",
  "logo_link_url": "https://example.com/todo-list",
  "status": "ready",
  "activation_date": "2023-05-01T15:23:22.583Z",
  "updated_by": "John Doe",
  "created_at": "2023-03-24T18:19:00.770Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-06-01T17:28:52.273Z",
  "activated": true, // For convenience, indicates the status is "ready" and the activation date has passed
  "logo_url": "/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/.../logo.png"

PATCH/PUT /api/widgets/:id

Updates a widget. The following parameters are accepted via the request body:

  • name (string) - The name of the widget (for its heading)
  • status (string) - "ready", "draft", or "deactivated"
  • activation_date (datetime) - The date the widget should be activated. Activation also requires that the status be set to "ready".
  • description (string) - The description of the widget for the Widget Library
  • updated_by (string) - The name of the user who updated the widget
  • remove_logo (boolean) - If true, the widget's logo will be removed
  • logo_base64 (string) - The base64-encoded image data for the widget's new logo

PATCH /api/user_widgets

Updates the order of the user's My Widgets. The request body should have a property called widget_ids which is an ordered array of widget IDs. For example:

  "widget_ids": [1, 13, 3]

DELETE /api/user_widgets/:id

Removes a widget from the user's My Widgets.

POST /api/user_widgets/:id/restore

Restores a widget to the user's My Widgets.

POST /api/jwt

See JWT Authentication.

POST /api/events

Logs an event for analtyics purpose. This endpoint is used internally by the Widget Panel component. Ideally, widgets should not make requests to this endpoint directly but rather use the window.WidgetFactory.logEvent method or manually use window.self.postMessage to send the event to the Widget Panel (see app/assets/javascripts/inline_widget_component.js).

Example request body:

  "component": "todo_list",
  "event_type": "widget_click_cta",
  "event_data": {} // Optional