
Access templates from Redis and serve them from a Class Based View.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


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Simple Redis-based generic views for serving your Django-backed Ember CLI apps.


The full documentation is at https://django-redis-views.readthedocs.org.



Ember CLI and other single-page javascript apps can be challenging to deploy.

Luke Melia presented a talk called Lightning Fast Deployment of Your Rails-backed JavaScript app, which eventually led to the creation of ember-cli-deploy.

This project acts as the glue between ember-cli-deploy and Django by providing generic views to serve Redis-backed index pages for single page javascript applications.


Let's assume we already have an Ember CLI app that we're ready to deploy. We're using the ember-deploy-redis adapter and we ran ember deploy to push the index.html file into Redis. In this case, we'll pretend that the Ember CLI project's name is ember-cli-my-great-app.

First, install django-redis-views:

pip install django-redis-views

In your Django settings file, set the Redis url. For example, you may want to access Redis on the localhost running on the default port. In which case, you would add something like this to the your settings.py file:

REDIS_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'

Then, to use it in your Django project, first add a new view to a views.py file:

from redis_views import RedisView

class EmberAppIndex(RedisView):
    app_name = 'ember-cli-my-great-app'

And then set it a route for it in your urls.py file:

from django.conf.urls import url
from myapp.views import EmberAppIndex

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', EmberAppIndex.as_view()),

At this point, you should be able to go to your root url and see your index page!

TODO: Walk through a full example project.

Injecting Context to your Template

If you want to use Django's template engine to replace values in your Ember index file, you can do that by injecting the context. Let's pretend that we have this very simple Ember index page:

<p>Hello {{ name }}!</p>

In order to inject {{ name }} from Django into the Ember index page, you'll want to add to the context. This package is built upon the generic views in Django, so we inject context the same way that they do. In your views.py file (using the same conventions as above):

from redis_views import RedisView

class EmberAppIndex(RedisView):

    . . .

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        # Call the base implementation first to get a context
        context = super(EmberAppIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        # Add in the name value (you could also use a dynamic value from a database object)
        context['name'] = 'Joe'
        return context

Then, in the template, it will fill in the value with your supplied value. As mentioned in the comment, you can inject pretty much anything that could normally be handled by Django templates, such as a CSRF token.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, please do the following in your terminal:

# Install the testing requirements
pip install -r requirements-test.txt

# Run the tests

Cookiecutter Tools Used in Making This Package

  • cookiecutter
  • cookiecutter-djangopackage