Clojure + Datomic Rest API
Known issues
- generally validation is not very good, i.e. if you forget a request body parameter (say, the audit fields) it will just blow up deep in datomic somewhere, vs rejecting with 400 in the controller
- it needs to have separate APIs to create actors (it should not be isComponent)
- it needs to have separate APIs to create genres (genres shoud have ids, not just array of strings)
Setup Clojure
Install datomic: www.datomic.com
Install leiningen: brew install leiningen
Fetch Dependencies: lein deps
Fire it up: ring server-headless 3000
Plugin usage
- Run tests:
lein test
- View coverage
lein cloverage
- Lint files:
lein eastwood
- Beautify:
lein cljfmt check
(orlein cljfmt fix
) - Check for outdated dependencies:
lein ancient
- Check for code simplifications:
lein kibit
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
POST /schema
Create the movie schema
POST /movie
Create a new movie.
Request body
"movie": {
"title": "Gravity",
"synopsis": "",
"release_year": 2013,
"genres": ["Thriller"],
"runtime": 90,
"cast": [
{"person_name": "Sandra Bullock", "person_role": "Actor"}
"rating": {
"rating_value": "PG-13",
"rating_source": "MPAA"
"audit": {
"user": "some user",
"message": "some commit message"
"id": 17592186045418
GET /movie/:id
Find an existing movie by id
Returns the movie record
GET /movie/:id/asof/:time
Get the state of a movie at a point in time
PUT /movie/:id
Update an existing id. Request body contains attributes to update.
Request body
"movie": {
"genres": ["Drama"],
"synopsis": "updated synopsis"
"audit": {
"user": "some user",
"message": "some commit message"
Returns the updated movie record
DELETE /movie/:id
Removes a movie by id
Request body
"audit": {
"user": "some user",
"message": "some commit message"
GET /movie/:id/history
Get transaction history for a movie
"history": [
"id": 17592186045418,
"user": "some user",
"message": "some commit message",
"tid": 13194139534315,
"ts": "2017-05-27T21:29:51Z"
}, ...
GET /movie/:id/history/:attribute
Get transaction history for an attribute of a movie
"history": [
"id": 17592186045418,
"user": "some user",
"message": "some commit message",
"added": true,
"attr": "movie/genre",
"value": "Drama",
"tid": 13194139534315,
"ts": "2017-05-27T21:29:51Z"
}, ...