
A simple erlang TCP server based on supervisor and gen_server OTP behaviours.

Primary LanguageErlang


A simple erlang TCP server based on supervisor and gen_server OTP behaviours. You can use this library to create a TCP server without consideration about connection management.


  • compile

    In the library root directory:

      erl -make

    This will compile all source in src directory and output all beam file into ebin directory.

  • start erl and load the library

      erl -pa ebin
  • create a simple test server, i.e:

      -export([handle_data/3, handle_accept/2, handle_close/2]).
      start() ->
          kl_tserver:start_link(?MODULE, 10000, []).
      handle_data(Sock, Data, State) ->
          io:format("recv data~n"),
          gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data),
          {ok, State}.
      handle_accept(Sock, State) ->
          io:format("accept new client~n"),
          gen_tcp:send(Sock, "hello"),
          {ok, State}.
      handle_close(_Sock, _State) ->
          io:format("sock close~n").