
Challenge of the ONE + Alura program. Web application that allows the user to encrypt/decrypt texts.

Primary LanguageCSS

Decrypter/Encryptor Text


Challenge of the ONE + Alura program. Web application that allows the user to encrypt/decrypt texts.


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

Aditionals Commets

Project completed.

Challenge Requirements

  • Must work with lowercase letters only.
  • No letters with accents or special characters must be used.
  • Must be possible to convert a word for the encrypted version also return an encrypted word for its original version.

Example: “gato” => ‘gaitober’. “gaitober” => ‘gato’.

  • The page must have fields for inserting the text to be encrypted or decrypted, and the user must be able to choose between the two options.
  • The result should be displayed on the screen.


  • A button to copy the encrypted/decrypted text to the transfer section, i.e. with the same functionality as “ctrl+C” or the “copy” option in the applications menu.


  • The letter “e” is converted to “enter”.
  • The letter “i” is converted to “imes”.
  • The letter “a” is converted to “ai”.
  • The letter “o” is converted to “ober”.
  • The letter “u” is converted to “ufat”.


  • Only lowercase letters without accents may be entered.

App deploy

Decrypter/Encryptor Text in Vercel

Figma app layout

Decrypter/Encryptor Text in Figma

Developer contact
