Data architect, developer and author of the open-source projects sp _CRUDGen and sp_Develop, used by database and software developers. Find them on GitHub.
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SQL Server T-SQL scripts to create the data warehouse dimensions or business intelligence tables and load the tables with data.
sp_CRUDGen is a free open-source SQL Server stored procedure that generates stored procedures for you based on your tables and metadata like foreign keys and data types. The generated stored procedure code utilizes the SQL Server community best practices.
sp_Develop can be used by database developers, software developers and for performing database code (smell) reviews.
A novella size of SQL Server database best practices, all for free.
This stored procedure exists to return results of column values that have changed from a Temporal table (also known as system-versioned temporal table). It generates dynamic SQL and either executes it or outputs it with the debug parameter.
kevinmartintech's Repositories
sp_CRUDGen is a free open-source SQL Server stored procedure that generates stored procedures for you based on your tables and metadata like foreign keys and data types. The generated stored procedure code utilizes the SQL Server community best practices.
SQL Server T-SQL scripts to create the data warehouse dimensions or business intelligence tables and load the tables with data.
sp_Develop can be used by database developers, software developers and for performing database code (smell) reviews.
A novella size of SQL Server database best practices, all for free.
This stored procedure exists to return results of column values that have changed from a Temporal table (also known as system-versioned temporal table). It generates dynamic SQL and either executes it or outputs it with the debug parameter.
A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search.
Technical documentation for Microsoft SQL Server, tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) , SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) etc.
This script allows the deletion of SQL Server table data without worrying about constraints by deleting in a specific table order. The script also allows you to delete any or all the SQL Server objects like tables, views, stored procedures, functions, user data types, sequences, and synonyms.