
a Python interface to OCZ's Neural Impulse Actuator (for Linux and Mac)

Primary LanguagePython


This is a fork of David Ng's (discontinued?) pynia project on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/pynia/

Getting started


On Mac it's simply enough to run pip install pyglet pyusb numpy web.py. On GNU/Linux I had to compile and install the libusb code. Also, see the Troubleshooting - Access Denied section.


There are two user interfaces for pyNIA: pyglet and HTML5.



The pyglet interface has a histogram of the 6 BrainFingers at top, a spectograph that I don't understand in the bottom left, and a general compiled waveform of the raw output from the device in the bottom right.

running it

I never got pyglet working on Mac, but it works fine on GNU/Linux. Simply run python pynia.py.



Click here for the annotated version. The HTML5 interface has the same histogram as the pyglet version at top, but the other two images are different. The bottom left has a distorted hexagon I have nicknamed the Brain Shape, where the distortion to each vertex is determined by a specific BrainFinger. The hexagon is bluer when all frequencies are low, redder when beta frequencies are high, and greener when alpha frequencies are high. The bottom right is a historical graph of all six BrainFinger values, instead of a single compiled waveform.

running it

  1. You will need to install CoffeeScript, have coffee on your path, and run batch/coffee-compile.sh. Alternatively, you can use Coffee2JS to convert /src/coffee/index.coffee and save the output to static/js/index.js.
  2. Once you have compiled the CoffeeScript code, run python http.py and visit http://localhost:8080.



I ran into quite a few problems getting pynia working. David Ng's project had 2 fairly different versions of the code. I'm going to be developing primarily off the version 0.0.1 codebase because it required less modifications to make it functional, and it also has much better documentation.

"Access Denied" warning on GNU/Linux

By default, libusb doesn't provide read/write access to USB devices. In order to get pynia working on Linux without root privileges, you need to add an exception for the NIA to your udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d (a sample file has been included in the udev folder of this repo), and then you need to run the command udevadm control --reload-rules to reload the rules. After that, unplug the NIA and plug it back in.



The original documentation of the project follows:

This is a simple GUI to play with the NIA on Mac and Linux until OCZ release a set of drivers for these platforms.

It requires the following dependencies: