Git Changelog Command Line
This is a command line tool for generating a changelog, or releasenotes, from a GIT repository. It uses the Git Changelog Lib.
There are some screenshots here.
The runnable can be found in Maven Central (the zip file). Unpack it and you will find the bin-folder.
A file can be created like this.
./bin/git-changelog-command-line -t changelog.mustache -sf changelog.json -of
A MediaWiki page can be created like this.
./git-changelog-command-line -murl http://localhost/mediawiki -mu tomas -mp tomaskod -mt "Tomas Title" -t /home/bjerre/workspace/git-changelog-lib/changelog_mediawiki.mustache -ut "Next release"
There are more examples here.
Or from command line:
-cl, --custom-issue-link <string> Custom issue link. Supports
variables like ${PATTERN_GROUP_1} to inject
variables from pattern.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-cn, --custom-issue-name <string> Custom issue name.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-cp, --custom-issue-pattern <string> Custom issue pattern.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-ct, --custom-issue-title <string> Custom issue title. Supports
variables like ${PATTERN_GROUP_1} to inject
variables from pattern.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-df, --date-format <string> Format to use when printing dates.
<string>: any string
Default: YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
-ex, --extended-variables <string> Extended variables that will be
available as {{extended.*}}. -ex "{\"var1\":
\"val1\"}" will print out "val1" for
a template like "{{extended.var1}}"
<string>: any string
-fc, --from-commit <string> From commit.
<string>: any string
Default: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-fr, --from-ref <string> From ref.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-gapi, --github-api <string> GitHub API. Like: https://api.
<string>: any string
-glpn, --gitlab-project-name <string> GitLab project name.
<string>: any string
-gls, --gitlab-server <string> GitLab server, like https://gitlab.
<string>: any string
-glt, --gitlab-token <string> GitLab API token.
<string>: any string
-gtok, --github-token <string> GitHub API OAuth2 token. You can
get it from: curl -u 'yourgithubuser' -
d '{"note":"Git Changelog Lib"}'
<string>: any string
-h, --help <argument-to-print-help-for> <argument-to-print-help-for>: an argument to print help for
Default: If no specific parameter is given the whole usage text is given
-ini, --ignore-commits-without-issue Ignore commits that is not included
in any issue.
Default: disabled
-iot, --ignore-older-than <string> Ignore commits older than YYYY-MM-
dd HH:mm:ss.
<string>: any string
-ip, --ignore-pattern <string> Ignore commits where pattern
matches message.
<string>: any string
Default: ^\[maven-release-plugin\].*|^\[Gradle Release Plugin\].*|^Merge.*
-itp, --ignore-tag-pattern <string> Ignore tags that matches regular
expression. Can be used to ignore release
candidates and only include actual releases.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-jp, --jira-pattern <string> Jira issue pattern.
<string>: any string
Default: \b[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)\b
-jpw, --jira-password <string> Optional password to authenticate
with Jira.
<string>: any string
Default: \b[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)\b
-js, --jiraServer <string> Jira server. When a Jira server is
given, the title of the Jira issues can be
used in the changelog.
<string>: any string
-ju, --jira-username <string> Optional username to authenticate
with Jira.
<string>: any string
Default: \b[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)\b
-mp, --mediawiki-password <string> Password to authenticate with
<string>: any string
-mt, --mediawiki-title <string> Title of MediaWiki page.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-mu, --mediawiki-user <string> User to authenticate with MediaWiki.
<string>: any string
-murl, --mediawiki-url <string> Base URL of MediaWiki.
<string>: any string
-ni, --no-issue-name <string> Name of virtual issue that contains
commits that has no issue associated.
<string>: any string
Default: No issue
-of, --output-file <string> Write output to file.
<string>: any string
-r, --repo <string> Repository.
<string>: any string
Default: .
-ri, --remove-issue-from-message Dont print any issues in the
messages of commits.
Default: disabled
-rt, --readable-tag-name <string> Pattern to extract readable part of
<string>: any string
Default: /([^/]+?)$
-sf, --settings-file <string> Use settings from file.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-std, --stdout Print builder to <STDOUT>.
Default: disabled
-t, --template <string> Template to use. A default template
will be used if not specified.
<string>: any string
Default: git-changelog-template.mustache
-tc, --to-commit <string> To commit.
<string>: any string
Default: null
-tec, --template-content <string> String to use as template.
<string>: any string
-tr, --to-ref <string> To ref.
<string>: any string
Default: refs/heads/master
-tz, --time-zone <string> TimeZone to use when printing dates.
<string>: any string
Default: UTC
-ut, --untagged-name <string> When listing commits per tag, this
will by the name of a virtual tag that
contains commits not available in any git
<string>: any string
Default: No tag
Checkout the Git Changelog Lib for more documentation.
Developer instructions
To build the code, have a look at .travis.yml
To do a release you need to do ./gradlew release
and release the artifact from staging. More information here.