React: Cyclic Counter


  • React Version: 16.13.1
  • Node Version: ^12.18.3
  • Default Port: 8000

Application Demo:

Functionality Requirements

  • The component receives a prop cycle, defining the counting cycle.
  • The component should render a <button> element displaying the text content corresponding to the current count.
  • Initially, count is always 0.
  • On button click, the count value is incremented by one, and if it reaches the value cycle, it is reset to 0 instead.
  • In other words, if the text content of <button> before the click was integer k, then it is updated to k + 1, unless k + 1 = cycle, in which case it is reset to 0 instead.

Testing Requirements

  • Button rendering current count should have the data-test-id attribute 'cycle-counter'.

Project Specifications

Read Only Files

  • src/App.test.js


  • run:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm start
  • install:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm install
  • test:
bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm test