Hi there 😎, I'm Kevin

But, you can call me KevMo

I'm a software engineer 👨🏻‍💻 located in the Bay Area, primarily working on Javascript, with some tinkering in Swift on the side. On the days that I don't code, you can find me on the hiking trails, or modding up some old gaming consoles 👾.

Prior Experience

Previously had a career @apple as a TPM where I helped scale up a grassroot engineering program. During my time there, I managed to save the team over $2 Million, while significantly reducing the company's carbon footprint. The success of that program grew my affinity for software development, which motivated me to obtain my B.S. in Computer Science.

Current Projects

  • Web app that supports individuals with mental illness track their accomplishments based on introspective journals.
  • Secret project that will help benefit all SWEs. 🧙🏼‍♂️

How to reach me:

I'm currently open to full-time opportunities, feel free to reach out 😃

Email: molina.kevin.a@gmail.com