K3D Flux CD Developer Lab

| Demo of Flux CD maintaining a local K3D cluster for developer environments.

Getting Started

To deploy the Kubernetes manifests to a new cluster run the following commands:

k3d cluster create
flux install
kubectl apply -k ./k8s/cluster/flux-system
kubectl cluster-info
flux reconcile kustomization flux-system --with-source
flux tree kustomization flux-system

To get the load balancer ingress IP run the following command:

echo "http://$(kubectl get svc traefik -n kube-system -o json | jq -j '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip')"

Add a Service Mesh

Run the Linkerd dashboard with the following command:

linkerd viz dashboard &


To access the Grafana dashboard, you need to forward traffic to the Grafana server. To do so, run the following commands:

kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana 3001:80

To log in to your Grafana Dashboard, you should use the default credentials for the kube-Prometheus-stack.

Username: admin
Password: prom-operator 

To view the Flux Cluster Stats browse to


To clean up the environment run k3d cluster delete