
Helpers for the iPhone SDK and OSX SDK

Primary LanguageObjective-C

About Cocoa Helpers

Cocoa Helpers are a collection of categories we've written to the Apple UIKit/Cocoa classes to make them more useful.



  • empty property - Checks to see if the array is empty


  • containsObjectForKey: - Checks to see if the dictionary contains the given key
  • empty property - Checks to see if the dictionary is empty


  • containsString: - Checks to see if the string contains the given string, case insenstive
  • containsString:options: - Checks to see if the string contains the given string while allowing you to define the compare options
  • md5 - Returns the MD5 value of the string


  • baseString - Returns a string of the base of the URL, will contain a trailing slash


  • UIAlertViewQuick(NSString title, NSString message, NSString* dismissButtonTitle)** - Convenience method to throw a quick alert to the user


  • UIColorMakeRGB(nRed,nGreen,nBlue) - Convenience method to return a UIColor with RGB values based on 255


  • availableMemory property - Available device memory in MB


  • imageWithContentsOfURL: - Creates an image from the contents of a URL
  • scaleToSize: - Scales the image to the given size
  • scaleAndCropToSize: - Scales and crops the image to the given size
  • scaleHeightAndCropWidthToSize: - Scales the height and crops the width to the size
  • scaleWidthAndCropHeightToSize: - Scales the width and crops the height to the size
  • scaleToSize:withOffset: - Scales image to the size, crops to the offset


There's additional documentation and examples provided in each header file


Feel free to contact info@enormego.com if you need any help with any of these methods or wish to contribute to Cocoa Helpers.