next recipe

The next recipe showcases one of the most powerful ways to implement Puck using to provide an authoring tool for any route in your Next app.


  • Next.js 13 App Router implementation
  • JSON database implementation with HTTP API
  • Catch-all routes to use puck for any route on the platform
  • Incremental static regeneration (ISR) for all Puck pages


Run the generator and enter next when prompted

npx create-puck-app my-app

Start the server

yarn dev

Navigate to the homepage at https://localhost:3000. To edit the homepage, access the Puck editor at https://localhost:3000/edit.

You can do this for any route on the application, even if the page doesn't exist. For example, visit https://localhost:3000/hello/world and you'll receive a 404. You can author and publish a page by visiting https://localhost:3000/hello/world/edit. After publishing, go back to the original URL to see your page.

Using this recipe

To adopt this recipe you will need to:

  • IMPORTANT Add authentication to /edit routes. This can be done by modifying the example API routes in /app/puck/api/route.ts and server component in /app/puck/[...puckPath]/page.tsx. If you don't do this, Puck will be completely public.
  • Integrate your database into the API calls in /app/puck/api/route.ts
  • Implement a custom puck configuration in puck.config.tsx

By default, this recipe will generate static pages by setting dynamic to force-static in the /app/[...puckPath]/page.tsx. This will strip headers and cookies. If you need dynamic pages, you can delete this.


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