Is a ruby wrapper around the Processing code art framework, built using JRuby.
Processing provides a tidy API, with a bunch of handy methods you can call from Ruby-Processing. Here's a smattering:
alpha, arc, background, blend, blue, ellipse, frame_rate, hue, lerp, load_image, load_pixels, mouse_pressed, noise, rect, saturation, shape, smooth, text_align, translate, triangle...
Ideally you should install jruby, at the very least you will have at least ruby-1.9.3 installed. You should download and install vanilla processing-2.0.3 (MacOSX) or processing-2.1.0 (Windows, Linux) prior to installing this version of ruby-processing. You must also set the PROCESSING_ROOT
in the .rp5rc yaml configuration file, the easiest way is by running the SetProcessingRoot.pde sketch in the processing ide.
Then install ruby-processing (from rubygems-org) in the usual way
gem install ruby-processing
some systems eg Ubuntu may require sudo
To install jruby-complete use our built in tool (relies on wget
to download jruby-complete-1.7.9)
If you haven't got wget
just download jruby-complete-1.7.9 to the vendors folder (then run above tool)
The vendored jruby-complete-1.7.9 is only required for application export, and running certain sketches (eg shader sketches see wiki).
See Wiki
See also FAQs, Contributing and Samples
Usage Example
rp5 run my_sketch.rb
or if not using system jruby
rp5 --nojruby run my_sketch.rb
where a simple my_sketch.rb
could look like this
def setup
size 400, 400
fill 255
def draw
background 0
ellipse mouse_x, mouse_y, 100, 100
or a simple 3D sketch cube.rb
def setup
size 640, 360, P3D
@xmag = 0
@ymag = 0
@new_xmag = 0
@new_ymag = 0
fill 200, 50, 50
def draw
background 100
translate width/2, height/2, -30
@new_xmag = mouse_x.to_f / width * TWO_PI
@new_ymag = mouse_y.to_f / height * TWO_PI
diff = @xmag - @new_xmag
@xmag -= diff / 4 if diff.abs > 0.01
diff = @ymag - @new_ymag
@ymag -= diff / 4 if diff.abs > 0.01
box 150, 150, 150
Supported Ruby Version
This library has been tested with the following ruby implementations
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Ruby 2.0.0
- JRuby preferred (required to use rubygems in sketches)
What's new
New capabilities since processing-2.0 include ability to use OPENGL VBO (PShape) and GLSL shaders (PShader), to keep abreast of latest shader developments for processing check out the codeanticode blog. Some worked examples using new feature are included in the samples. The update to the latest jruby is also significant as the default is to run with ruby-1.9 support, and there have been many performance improvements. Some performance improvements will not be available on the Mac as they require at least java-7+, and there is even more to come with java-8+ (adventurous Mac users can read more about Oracle java here ). More than 330 worked examples are included in the Samples, many of which are rubified version of the examples included with vanilla processing, and or the contributed libraries, additions are welcome.