
I couldn't find a simple repository with practical examples for Facebook Marketing APIs beginners, so I created it for us.

Primary LanguagePython

Facebook Marketing API First Steps

I couldn't find a simple repository with practical examples for Facebook Marketing APIs beginners, so I created it for us. Here you'll find some code examples for accessing, creating and editing Campaigns, Ad Sets and Ads in your Facebook Business Manager and Ad Account.

Important! Read before start

Please be aware that some of the codes edit your existing Business Manager and Ad Account settings and a mistake could generate unwanted expenses.

How to start

The first thing you need to do is copy the file my_facebook_access_example-model.py to your Desktop, remove the _example-model by renaming it to my_facebook_access.py, and add your Facebook private informations (App Id, App Secret, Access Token, Business Ad and the Campaign Ids you want to work with).

After doing that, you're ready to start using some of the codes on this repository.