Yummy_Recipe_Api 😃
Yummy recipes provides a platform for users to keep track of their awesome recipes and share with others if they so wish.
Yummy recipes provides a platform for users to keep track of their awesome recipes and share with others if they so wish.
- Users create accounts
- Users can log in
- Users create, view, update and delete recipe categories
- Users can create, view, update or delete recipes in existing categories
Important Links
The following software is needed for the project:
- Python 3.XX
- Flask
- Postman(optional)
Follow this steps to get you up and running:
- Install python
Install Python: Windows
Download python for windows on Official python website and run the executable file
Install Python: OS X
You need to go to the website and download the Python installer and run the file.
Install python: linux
On the command line run $ sudo apt-get install python3.6
Install the project locally
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/kevinsamoei/Yummy_Recipe_Api
Move into the project's folder
cd Yummy_Recipe_Api
Install virtual environment and Create a virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
create a virtual environment called "myenv"
$ python3 -m venv myvenv
Activate your virtual environment
source myvenv/bin/activate
Install project requirements
(myvenv) ~$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create your postgresql database and change the uri in the
module -
Run the application
(myvenv) ~$ python run.py
Running the tests
To run the tests use either pytests or nosetests:
pytest --cov=api tests/
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-tests --cover-erase --cover-package=api
API Endpoints
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | Public access |
POST /api/auth/register/ | POST | Register a new user | TRUE |
POST /api/auth/login/ | POST | Login and retrieve token | TRUE |
POST /api/auth/logout/ | POST | Logout a user and revoke access | TRUE |
POST /api/auth/reset-password/ | POST | Reset a user's password | TRUE |
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | Public access |
POST /api/categories/ | POST | Create a new category | FALSE |
GET /api/categories/ | GET | Retrieve a paginated list of categories | FALSE |
GET /api/categories/<id> | GET | Retrieve a category with the specified id | FALSE |
PUT /api/categories/<id> | PUT | Edit a category | FALSE |
DELETE /api/categories/<id> | DELETE | Delete a category | FALSE |
URL Endpoint | HTTP requests | access | Public access |
POST /api/recipes/ | POST | Create a new recipe | FALSE |
GET /api/recipes/ | GET | Retrieve a paginated list of recipes | FALSE |
GET /api/recipes/<id> | GET | Retrieve a recipe with the specified id | FALSE |
PUT /api/recipes/<id> | PUT | Edit a recipe | FALSE |
DELETE /api/recipes/<id> | DELETE | Delete a recipe | FALSE |
Built with
- Python 3.6
- Flask 0.12.2
- Flask-RestFul
- Postgresql
- Kevin samoei
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Andelans
- Stack overflow
- Official documentations for python, flask, postgresql