

  • First make sure you install the requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  • inside the data folder you will find a which will read your config file named config.ini
  • Inside that file you will set your reddit api parameters and your iexcloud api parameters


  • --get-data this will retreive the latest data from IEXCloud
  • --train will train the model using both the 'stock_data.csv' and 'stock_stats.csv'
  • --predict will try and predict using the best models generated against the 'prediction_entries.csv' file


Package & Version

  • certifi 2020.11.8
  • chardet 3.0.4
  • idna 2.10
  • joblib 0.17.0
  • nltk 3.3
  • numpy 1.19.4
  • pandas 1.1.4
  • pip 20.2.4
  • python-dateutil 2.8.1
  • pytz 2020.4
  • requests 2.25.0
  • scikit-learn 0.23.2
  • scipy 1.5.4
  • setuptools 50.3.2
  • six 1.15.0
  • threadpoolctl 2.1.0
  • urllib3 1.26.1
  • vim 0.0.1
  • wheel 0.35.1