
Alternative Apache Mesos CLI

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



Featureful commandline interface for Apache Mesos.

mesos-cli is designed to be a lightweight alternative to the native tool provided with Mesos, with extended features for orchestration, management, and task scheduling.

By interacting entirely with the new Mesos HTTP scheduler API, mesos-cli does not require a direct network connection to the Mesos Master server, which makes it more flexible than other frameworks.

NOTE: mesos-cli is under active development and not yet considered stable!

Distinctive Features & Roadmap

Feature ready roadmap
Built ontop of the new Mesos HTTP V1 API
Simple installation without platform specific libmesos drivers
Streamimg sandbox file content content to console (including task stdout and stderr)
Pure integration with Apache Mesos outside of the DC/OS ecosystem
Lightweight scheduler for running arbitrary containers
Top-like interface for monitoring a cluster
Full support for latest Mesos features, e.g health checks, etc
Ability to search and filter across most Mesos types
Subscribe to and monitor master event stream
Run docker-compose files directly against Mesos


It is recommended that you create a bash alias for mesos-cli, note that if the default mesos executable is installed on your system this will override it.

 # With a binary installation
 echo "alias mesos=mesos-cli" >> $HOME/.bashrc
 # With a Docker installation
 echo "alias mesos=docker run --rm -ti -v $HOME/.mesos-cli.json:/root/.mesos-cli.json --net host mesanine/mesos-cli >> $HOME/.bashrc"


You can configure "profiles" by creating a JSON file at ~/.mesos-cli.json. This file is automatically created for you the first time you invoke mesos-cli. You can choose an alternative profile for use with any command. All options specified in a profile may be overriden by specifying the same option on the command-line.


  "profiles": {
    "default": {
      "master": "http://localhost:5050",
      "debug": false,
      "restart": false
    "production": {
      "master": "http://localhost:5050",
      "debug": false,
      "restart": true


Usage: mesos-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

Alternative Apache Mesos CLI

  --profile="default"                      Profile to load
  --config="~/.mesos-cli.json"             Path to load config from
  --debug=false                            Enable debugging
  --version                                Show the version and exit

  agents       List Mesos Agents
  list         List files in a Mesos sandbox
  read         Read the contents of a file
  run          Run tasks on Mesos
  task         Generate a Mesos Task
  tasks        List Mesos tasks
  top          Display a Mesos top interface

Run 'mesos-cli COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.