
:rocket: [WIP] Apollo GraphQL server for Moleculer API Gateway

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moleculer-apollo-server NPM version

Apollo GraphQL server mixin for Moleculer API Gateway



npm install moleculer-apollo-server moleculer-web --save


This example demonstrates how to setup a Moleculer API Gateway with GraphQL mixin, that handles incoming GraphQL requests via the default /graphql endpoint.

"use strict";

const ApiGateway 	= require("moleculer-web");
const { ApolloService } = require("moleculer-apollo-server");

module.exports = {
    name: "api",

    mixins: [
        // Gateway

        // GraphQL Apollo Server

            // Global GraphQL typeDefs
            typeDefs: ``,

            // Global resolvers
            resolvers: {},

            // API Gateway route options
            routeOptions: {
                path: "/graphql",
                cors: true,
                mappingPolicy: "restrict"

            // https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/v2/api/apollo-server.html
            serverOptions: {
                tracing: true,

                engine: {
                    apiKey: process.env.APOLLO_ENGINE_KEY

Start your Moleculer project, open http://localhost:3000/graphql in your browser to run queries using graphql-playground, or send GraphQL requests directly to the same URL.

Define queries & mutations in service action definitions

module.exports = {
    name: "greeter", 

    actions: {
        hello: {
            graphql: {
                query: "hello: String"
            handler(ctx) {
                return "Hello Moleculer!"
        welcome: {
            params: {
                name: "string"
            graphql: {
                mutation: "welcome(name: String!): String"
            handler(ctx) {
                return `Hello ${ctx.params.name}`;

Generated schema

type Mutation {
  welcome(name: String!): String

type Query {
  hello: String


$ npm test

In development with watching

$ npm run ci


Please send pull requests improving the usage and fixing bugs, improving documentation and providing better examples, or providing some testing, because these things are important.


The project is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2018 MoleculerJS

@moleculerjs @MoleculerJS