Software for Open Networking in the Cloud - SONiC
Management and automation code used for SONiC testbed deployment, tests and reporting.
Contribution guide
Please read the contributor guide for more details on how to contribute.
All contributors must sign an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) before contributions can be accepted. Visit EasyCLA - Linux Foundation for more details.
GitHub Workflow
We're following basic GitHub Flow. If you have no idea what we're talking about, check out GitHub's official guide. Note that merge is only performed by the repository maintainer.
Guide for performing commits:
- Isolate each commit to one component/bugfix/issue/feature
- Use a standard commit message format:
[component/folder touched]: Description intent of your changes [List of changes] Signed-off-by: Your Name
For example:
swss-common: Stabilize the ConsumerTable * Fixing autoreconf * Fixing unit-tests by adding checkers and initialize the DB before start * Adding the ability to select from multiple channels * Health-Monitor - The idea of the patch is that if something went wrong with the notification channel, we will have the option to know about it (Query the LLEN table length). Signed-off-by: user@dev.null
- Each developer should fork this repository and add the team as a Contributor
- Push your changes to your private fork and do "pull-request" to this repository
- Use a pull request to do code review
- Use issues to keep track of what is going on
For more details on each component and the directory structure, please read docs/