Explaination with mathamatic.

What is this repository for?

This repo aims to share some knowledge about machine learning based on Naive Bayes Algorithm. version 1.0

How do I get set up?

  • install python
  • pip3 install khmerml
  • pip3 install flask

unicode support

def __init__(self):
	self.PATH = '/Data/km-5tag-seg-1.0' # here the path of khmer segmentation lib that i download from niptict

For frontend only

This is for frontend development.

Install additional prerequisites
$ git clone
$ cd kyc-api-fork
$ yarn global add webpack
$ yarn global add webpack-cli
$ yarn global add webpack-dev-server
$ yarn install # install the require dependancies

How to run frontend

$ yarn run dev # to start development 
# to run with an Endpoint API
#ENV_API=API_URL yarn run dev #ie. 
$ENV_API=localhost:3000 yarn run dev
$ yarn run build # to build for production

Who do I talk to?

if you have any question, you can send to these emails.