
Interface into Geckoboard's push API

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install geckoboard-push


var Geckoboard = require('geckoboard-push');

var foo = new Geckoboard({api_key: 'geckoboard_api_key'});



  • api_key The key given to you in your account settings under API

####Optional#### (These options should never need to be changed)

  • params.host defaults to push.geckoboard.com
  • port defaults to 443 for https
  • method defaults to POST
  • path defaults to '/v1/send/' + current_widget_key


Details of types can be found at geckoboards docs:


var bar = foo.map('map_widget_key');
bar.send(items, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

    city: {
      city_name: "london",
      country_code: "GB",
      region_code: "P5",
    size: 8, /*Optional. Default = 3 */
    color: "d8f709", /*Optional. Hex color.*/
    cssclass: "mycss" /*Optional. Allows for custom CSS on the geckoboard dashboard */
    city: {
      city_name: "San Francisco",
      region_code: "CA",
      country_code: "US"
    latitude: "51.526263",
    longitude: "-0.092429"
    latitude: "-33.94336",
    longitude: "18.896484"
    host: "geckoboard.com"
    ip: ""


var bar = foo.monitoring('number_widget_key');
bar.send(status, downTime, responseTime, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

status can have the values 'Up' and 'Down', downTime and responseTime are optional


var bar = foo.number('number_widget_key');
bar.send(items, absolute, type, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

    text : "Some Text",
    value : 123 
    text : "Some more Text",
    value : 238
    prefix: "£"

Absolute allows you to show numerical differences instead of Percentage based - defaults to false, can be set to true Type allows you to reverse the colours - defaults to standard, set to reverse or standard


var bar = foo.text('text_widget_key');
bar.send(items, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

  {text: "message c", type : 0},
  {text : "message d", type : 2},
  {text : "message e", type : 1}

Type has three different values:

  • 0 - None (no corner icon)
  • 1 - Alert (yellow corner icon)
  • 2 - Info (grey corner icon)

There can be up to 10 of these Objects The text can be plain or styled HTML


var bar = foo.bullet('bullet_widget_key');
bar.send(items, orientation, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

    label: "Revenue 2011 YTD",
    sublabel: "(U.S. $ in thousands)",
    axis: {
      point: [
      { color: "red",
        start: 0,
        end: 400
        color: "amber",
        start: 401,
        end: 700
        color: "green",
        start: 701,
        end: 1000
    measure: {
      current: {
        start: 0,
        end: 500
      projected: {
        start: 100,
        end: 900
    comparative: {
      point: 600

Orientation is the orientation you'd like the bullet widgets, default is horizontal, but can be changed to vertical

###Rag Column###

var bar = foo.ragColumn('rag_column_widget_key');
bar.send(items, type, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an array of Objects

    value: 120,
    text: "Red description"
    value: 75,
    text: "Amber description"
    value: 5,
    text: "Green description"

The type parameter accepts one value reverse. If supplied then the order of the items will be reversed.


var bar = foo.rag('rag_widget_key');
bar.send(items, type, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an array of Objects

    value: 120,
    text: "Red description"
    value: 75,
    text: "Amber description"
    value: 5,
    text: "Green description"

The type parameter accepts one value reverse. If supplied then the order of the items will be reversed.


var bar = foo.funnel('funnel_widget_key');
foo.send(items, type, percentage, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

    value: "87809", 
    label: "Step1" 
    value: "70022", 
    label: "Step2" 
    value: "63232", 
    label: "Step 3" 
    value: "53232", 
    label: "Step 4" 
    value: "32123", 
    label: "Step 5" 
    value: "23232", 
    label: "Step 6" 
    value: "12232", 
    label: "Step 7" 
    value: "2323", 
    label: "Step 8" 

Type allows you to reverse the colours - defaults to standard, set to reverse or standard Percentage allows you to show or hide % - defaults to show, set to show or hide


var bar = foo.pie('pie_widget_key');
bar.send(items, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of Objects

    value: "100", 
    label: "May", 
    colour: "FFFF10AA" 
    value: "160", 
    label: "June", 
    colour: "FFAA0AAA" 
    value: "300", 
    label: "July", 
    colour: "FF5505AA" 
    value: "140", 
    label: "August", 
    colour: "FF0000AA" 

The last 2 digits in the hex colour attribute are entirely optional and represent the desired transparency.

###Gecko Meter###

var bar = foo.geckoMeter('gecko_meter_widget_key');
bar.send(value, min, max, type, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Value is the Value of the meter Min is an Object

  text : "Min value",
  value : "10"

Max is an Object

  text: "Max value",
  value: "30"

Type allows you to reverse the colours - defaults to standard, set to reverse or standard


var bar = foo.line('line_widget_key');
bar.send(items, settings, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of values

        "label": {
            "name": "Label1",
            "color": "#d4e1aa"
        "title": {
            "text": "Important information 1",
            "highlight": true
        "description": "A small description"
        "title": {
            "text": "Important information 2",
            "highlight": true

Settings is an Object which contains x and y axis detail and colour detail in hex format

  "axisx": [
  "axisy": [
  "colour": "ff9900"


var bar = foo.list('list_widget_key');
bar.send(items, settings, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of values



var bar = foo.highchart('highchart_widget_key');
bar.send(highchart, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

highchart is a Highchart configuration object - see: http://www.geckoboard.com/developers/custom-widgets/widget-types/highcharts/

  chart: {
    renderTo: 'container'
  credits: {
    enabled: false
  series: {


var Geckoboard = require('geckoboard-push');

var gecko = new Geckoboard({api_key: 'geckoboard_api_key'});

var map = gecko.map('map_widget_key');
    latitude: 1.00000,
    longitude: 1.0000,
    size: 10
], function(err, response){
  console.log('map', response);

var number = gecko.number('number_widget_key');
  { text : "Visitors",value : 300},
  { text : "",value : 280}
], true, 'reverse', function(err, response){
  console.log('number', response);

var text = gecko.text('text_widget_key');
  {text: "message c", type : 0},
  {text : "message d", type : 2},
  {text : "message e", type : 1}
], function(err, response){
  console.log('text', response);

var bullet = gecko.bullet('bullet_widget_key');
  label: "Revenue 2011 YTD",
  sublabel: "(U.S. $ in thousands)",
  axis: {
    point: [
    { color: "red",
      start: 0,
      end: 400
      color: "amber",
      start: 401,
      end: 700
      color: "green",
      start: 701,
      end: 1000
  measure: {
    current: {
      start: 0,
      end: 500
    projected: {
      start: 100,
      end: 900
  comparative: {
    point: 600
}, {
  label: "Revenue 2012 YTD",
  sublabel: "(££££ in thousands)",
  axis: {
    point: [
    { color: "red",
      start: 0,
      end: 400
      color: "amber",
      start: 401,
      end: 700
      color: "green",
      start: 701,
      end: 1000
  measure: {
    current: {
      start: 0,
      end: 500
    projected: {
      start: 100,
      end: 900
  comparative: {
    point: 600
}],'vertical', function(err, response){
  console.log('bullet', response);

var ragColumn = gecko.ragColumn('rag_column_widget_key');
    value: 120,
    text: "Red description"
    value: 75,
    text: "Amber description"
    value: 5,
    text: "Green description"
], 'reverse',function(err, response){
  console.log('rag column', response);

var rag = gecko.rag('rag_widget_key');
    value: 132,
    text: "Red description"
    value: '80',
    text: "Amber description"
    value: 3,
    text: "Green description"
], 'standard', function(err, response){
  console.log('RAG', response);

var funnel = gecko.funnel('funnel_widget_key');
    value: "87809", 
    label: "Step1" 
    value: "70022", 
    label: "Step2" 
    value: "63232", 
    label: "Step 3" 
    value: "53232", 
    label: "Step 4" 
    value: "32123", 
    label: "Step 5" 
    value: "23232", 
    label: "Step 6" 
    value: "12232", 
    label: "Step 7" 
    value: "2323", 
    label: "Step 8" 
], 'standard','show', function(err, response){
  console.log('Funnel', response);

var pie = gecko.pie('pie_widget_key');
    value: "100", 
    label: "May", 
    colour: "FFFF10AA" 
    value: "160", 
    label: "June", 
    colour: "FFAA0AAA" 
    value: "300", 
    label: "July", 
    colour: "FF5505AA" 
    value: "140", 
    label: "August", 
    colour: "FF0000AA" 
], function(err, response){
  console.log('pie', response);

var geckometer = gecko.geckoMeter('gecko_meter_widget_key');
    text : "Min value",
    value : "10"
    text: "Max value",
    value: "30"
  function(err, response){
  console.log('geckometer', response)

var line = gecko.line('line_widget_key');
  "axisx": [
  "axisy": [
  "colour": "ff9900"
}, function(err, response){
  console.log('Line', response);

var highchart = gecko.highchart('line_widget_key');
  chart: { type: 'bar' },
  title: { text: 'Unique visits by Country' },
  subtitle: { text: 'Today' },
  xAxis: {
    categories: ['USA', 'Canada', 'France', 'Australia', 'Germany'],
    title: { text: null }
  yAxis: {
    min: 0,
    title: {
      text: 'Visits',
      align: 'high'
    labels: { overflow: 'justify' }
  tooltip: { valueSuffix: null },
  plotOptions: {
    bar: {
      dataLabels: { enabled: true }
  credits: { enabled: false },
  series: [{
    name: 'Visits',
    data: [107, 31, 635, 203, 2]
}, function(err, response){
  console.log('Line', response);


var bar = foo.leaderboard('leaderboard_widget_key');
bar.send(items, format, unit, function(err, response){
  //callback with response from geckoboard

Items is an Array of values

        "label": "Something gaining",
        "value": 100,
        "previous_rank": 3,
        "label": "Something staying",
        "value": 90
        "label": "Something losing",
        "value": 80,
        "previous_rank": 1

Format allows you to optionally change the number format. Defaults to decimal.

Unit is a ISO 4217 currency code. Required when format is currency.

##NPM Maintainers##

The npm module for this library is maintained by:


geckoboard-push is licensed under the MIT license.