
Plan less, enjoy more. Sync your calendar and discover the best times to hang out with your friends.

Primary LanguageDart


Bugle is a Flutter app that allows you to chat with your friends, schedule events, and manage your availability. Bugle uses Firebase for authentication, storage, and database.


  • Sign in with Google or anonymously
  • Add and delete friends
  • View friends' status and profile picture
  • Create and join groups
  • Sync your calendar events with Google Calendar
  • Set your availability preferences


To run this app, you need to have Flutter installed on your machine. Follow the instructions here to set up Flutter.

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

You also need to create a Firebase project and enable the following services:

  • Firebase Authentication (with Google Sign-In provider)
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Storage

Follow the instructions here to set up Firebase for Flutter.

You need to add the following files to your project:

  • android/app/google-services.json (downloaded from Firebase console)
  • ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist (downloaded from Firebase console)
  • lib/firebase_options.dart (generated by FlutterFire CLI)

Installing FlutterFire

FlutterFire is needed to use Firebase services in the app. It is a set of plugins that provides access to Firebase APIs. FlutterFire CLI is used to generate the configuration files to connect the app to our Firebase project.

  • Install the FlutterFire CLI tool by running dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli.
  • Run flutterfire configure to connect your Flutter app with your Firebase project.
  • Follow the prompts to select your Firebase project, your app platform (Android or iOS), and your app bundle ID or package name.
  • The CLI tool will generate a firebase_options.dart file in your lib folder, which contains the Firebase configuration for your app. You need to import this file in your main.dart file and pass it to the Firebase.initializeApp() method.


To download the app's dependencies, use the following command:

flutter pub get

To run the app in debug mode, use the following command:

flutter run

To build the app for release, use the following command:

flutter build apk # for Android
flutter build ios # for iOS


Please follow the Flutter style guide and the Dart style guide for formatting your code.


This document describes the custom widgets that are defined in the source code.

Auth Module

This module contains the widgets and classes related to authentication and authorization using Firebase and Google Sign In.

Authentication Class

This class is a singleton that provides methods for signing in anonymously, signing in or linking with Google, signing out, deleting the user account, and showing a sign out dialog. It also exposes streams and getters for the current user and user changes.

  • A singleton class that provides methods for authentication and authorization using Firebase and Google Sign In
  • Exposes streams and getters for the current user and user changes
  • Provides methods for signing in anonymously, signing in or linking with Google, signing out, deleting the user account, and showing a sign out dialog

AccountButton Widget

This widget is a stateless widget that displays a circular avatar of the current user if they are signed in with Google, or an elevated button with a login icon if they are anonymous. It also handles the tap events to either show the sign out dialog or sign in with Google.

  • A stateless widget that displays a circular avatar of the current user if they are signed in with Google, or an elevated button with a login icon if they are anonymous
  • Handles the tap events to either show the sign out dialog or sign in with Google
  • Uses a stream builder to get the current user from the Authentication class

Friends Module

This module contains the widgets and classes related to displaying and managing the friends list of the current user.

Friend Class

This class is a model class that represents a friend object with fields for id, name, profile picture url, and status. It also provides methods for converting to and from map objects.

  • A model class that represents a friend object with fields for id, name, profile picture url, and status
  • Provides methods for converting to and from map objects
  • Used to store and retrieve friend data from Firestore

FriendsList Widget

This widget is a stateless widget that builds a list of friends using a stream builder and a list view. It also handles the tap events to show a friend info dialog.

  • A stateless widget that builds a list of friends using a stream builder and a list view
  • Gets the friend data from Firestore using the current user's document reference
  • Handles the tap events to show a friend info dialog using the Friend class

FriendInfoDialog Widget

This widget is a stateful widget that shows an alert dialog with the name and status of a friend. It also provides an option to close the dialog.

  • A stateful widget that shows an alert dialog with the name and status of a friend
  • Uses the Friend class to get the friend data
  • Provides an option to close the dialog

Schedule Module

This module contains the widgets and classes related to displaying and managing the schedule of the current user.

ScheduleWidget Widget

This widget is a stateful widget that displays a calendar view of the current user's schedule. It also allows adding, editing, and deleting events.

  • A stateful widget that displays a calendar view of the current user's schedule
  • Uses Firebase to store and retrieve schedule data
  • Allows adding, editing, and deleting events

Navigation Module

This module contains the widgets and classes related to navigating between different screens of the app using a responsive navigation layout.

ResponsiveNavigationLayout Widget

This widget is a stateless widget that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations by using either a navigation rail, a navigation bar, or both. It also handles the selection events and navigates to the corresponding screen.

  • A stateless widget that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations by using either a navigation rail, a navigation bar, or both
  • Uses a list of ResponsiveNavigationDestination objects to define the navigation destinations
  • Handles the selection events and navigates to the corresponding screen

ResponsiveNavigationDestination Class

This class is a data class that represents a navigation destination with fields for title, icon, selected icon, and screen.

  • A data class that represents a navigation destination with fields for title, icon, selected icon, and screen
  • Used by the ResponsiveNavigationLayout widget to define the navigation destinations

FloatingSearchBar Widget

This widget is a stateful widget that displays a floating search bar on top of the app content. It also handles the text input events and performs web searches using Bing.

  • A stateful widget that displays a floating search bar on top of the app content
  • Uses a text field controller to get the text input from the user
  • Performs web searches using Bing and displays the results

NavigationDrawer Widget

This widget is a stateful widget that displays a drawer menu with options for home, settings, anonymous sign in, and delete account. It also handles the tap events and performs the corresponding actions.