
Smart Mirror Front End built with Angular and Electron

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Smart Mirror



Smart Mirror frontend build with Angular 6(+) and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload).

  • Angular v6.1.2
  • Electron v2.0.7
  • Electron Builder v20.28.1

Getting Started

Clone this repository locally and install dependencies with npm :

git clone https://github.com/kevintrankt/smart-mirror-electron.git
cd smart-mirror-electron
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install

To build for development

  • in a terminal window -> npm start

How to Make a Widget

  1. Modify /src/assets/config.json to include any API keys or user information needed.

  2. Modify /src/app/data.service.ts to make any API calls.

    getXXX() {
    	const apiKey = this.config.apiKeys.yourAPIKey;
    	const userParameter = this.activeUser.yourUserParameter;
    	const url  = `https://example.com_apikey=${apiKey}&example=${userParameter}`;
    	return this.http.get(url);
  3. Run ng g c WIDGETNAME in the root directory of the Electron project.

  4. Replace the contents of /src/app/WIDGETNAME/WIDGETNAME.component.html with

    <div  ngDraggable  ngResizable  class="widget-body">{{greeting}} {{response}}</div>
  5. Modify /src/app/WIDGETNAME/WIDGETNAME.component.ts to import the Data service

    import { DataService } from '../data.service';
  6. In the same file, replace everything below export class WIDGETNAME... with the following:

    	constructor(private data: DataService) {}
    	greeting = 'Widget Works!';
    	ngOnInit() {
    		setInterval(()  =>  {
    				data => {this.response = data;},
    				error => console.log(error),
    		},  60);

    You can modify the setInterval method to indicate how often the Smart Mirror will make an API call.

  7. Modify /src/app/components/home/home.component.html to recognize the new widget in config.json.

    Add the following line to the widget set 1 block:

    <app-WIDGETNAME *ngIf="widget == X" [ngClass]="'widget-' + i"></app-WIDGETNAME>

    And the following line to the widget set 2 block:

    <app-WIDGETNAME *ngIf="widget == X" [ngClass]="'widget2-' + i"></app-WIDGETNAME>

    Where X is equal to the number of existing widgets + 2. This value will represent the widget's ID.


Command Description
npm run ng:serve:web Execute the app in the browser
npm run build Build the app. Built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run build:prod Build the app with Angular aot. Built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run electron:local Builds application and start electron
npm run electron:linux Builds application and creates an app consumable on linux system
npm run electron:windows On a Windows OS, builds application and creates an app consumable in windows 32/64 bit systems
npm run electron:mac On a macOS, builds application and generates a .app file of application that can be run on Mac