
Using Scikit Learn to predict stock market trends.

Primary LanguagePython

Invester Helper

The stock market is the market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded either through exchanges or over-the-counter markets. Although many factors affect the prices on the stock market, the plentiful amount of data it generates would be perfect for a basic machine learning project. The algorithm will forecast investment tips based on data collected from the stock market. With a short feedback cycle, predictions can be verified and analyzed easily.

The project utilizes Scikit Learn on Python. This uses an Linear SVC to analyze stock data to determine whether a stock is a buy or a sell. The project consists of gathering data using regular expressions, analyzing data visually, and allow the computer to analyze based off of experience. The project is meant to learn more about machine learning algorithms as well as introduce new Python libraries.

The project follows the Scikit-learn Machine Learning with Python and SKlearn guide with slight modifications.

Project in progress...