
Python code to download and process FDIC Summary of Deposits

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Summary of Deposits

Summary of Deposits (SOD) lists every branch and the deposits booked at that branch for FDIC insured institutions. See 12 CFR 304.3(c). Each institution reports on 30 June of each year.

SOD is widely used in economic research. Eg Bouwman and Malmendier Am Econ Rev 105 (2015) pp 321–25. It is also used in the preliminary screens for bank merger competitive reviews. Department of Justice Bank merger competitive review (2005).


The FDIC merges SOD with RIS (Research Information System), which contains information from call reports. Many of these variables are not especially important. This section covers only the most important variables.

The following variables identify the branch.

  • YEAR is the reporting year
  • CERT identifies the institution on its FDIC certificate number
  • BRNUM is a serial count of the branch in that year; this is valid only within the same CERT-YEAR
  • UNINUMBR is a supposedly consistent identifier assigned to a branch location which does not change even if the branch is sold
  • NAMEFULL is the bank's name of the branch
  • ADRESSBR is the branch address
  • CITYBR is the branch city
  • STALPBR is the branch state
  • ZIPBR is the branch ZIP code

The following variables describe the branch.

  • DEPSUMBR is the deposits the bank reports at that branch; do not confuse this with DEPDOM, which is the bank's total deposits!
  • STCNTYBR is the FIPS code in which the branch is located
  • BRSERTYP is the branch service type; the 2023 instructions show the following service levels on pp 34–35 with a fuller explanation:
BRSERTYP Service Short description Included?
11 Full service Brick and mortar office Deposits
12 Full service Retail office Deposits
13 Full service Home banking Deposits
22 Limited service Military facility
23 Limited service Drive‐through/facility office
29 Limited service Mobile/seasonal office
21 Limited service Administrative office
30 Limited service Trust office
24 Limited service Loan production office No
25 Limited service Consumer Credit office No
26 Limited service Contractual office No
27 Limited service Messenger office No
28 Limited service Retail office (ATM?) No
  • BKMO identifies if the branch is the bank's main office

The FDIC has already geocoded many of these branches and provide two variables: SIMS_LATITUDE and SIMS_LONGITUDE. The quality of that geocode is not always entirely acceptable. Especially in earlier data, coordinates are approximate: assigned to the centre of counties, states, or sometimes to 0, 0, Null Island, in the Atlantic off the African coast. There are also variables identifying the CSA (Combined Statistical Area) and MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) of the branch.

There is no known interlink between branches in SOD and branches in the Federal Reserve's National Information Center.


There is no guarantee that DEPSUMBR is at all accurate. This implied in the SOD instructions (2023 instructions, p 3): "Institutions should assign deposits to each office in a manner consistent with their existing internal record‐keeping practices". Banks need not book a customer's deposits at a branch at all proximate to the customer's location provided it is consistent with their own records.

Nor is it clear how certain classes of customers ought to be treated. Many corporate and brokered deposits are booked at the main office or at virtual branches (branches with no or little real world analogue) which are used mainly to separate those corporate or brokered deposits from the main deposit franchise. In 1995, for example, around 75 per cent of banks booked a majority of deposits at their main office (BKMO).

Along with the expansion of online banking – noted at 89 FR 6607 – which removes the need for branches in deposit collection entirely, DEPSUMBR accuracy may be in further decline.


Kevin Wong

The views expressed (if there is any such expression at all) herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Department of the Treasury, or the United States.