
A reminder to myself about how to work with (shudder) WSDL, SOAP, and Java.

This project exists to remind me to how to deal with SOAP from Java, specifically for the Pingdom API. 

Just so I can remember how awesome SOAP is.

To use the Pingdom SOAP API, just clone this repo, take dist/pingdom-soap-api-1.0.jar, and take axis-1.4.jar, jaxrpc-1.4.jar, commons-discovery-0.2.jar, and wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar from the lib directory.  The former has the codegen'd SOAP API classes, and the latter have supporting classes.  The javadoc is generated in the doc/ folder.  To recompile at any time, just run "./clean.sh && ./build.sh" and it will re-codegen, compile, generate javadoc, and generate the jar.

The steps to getting here with another WSDL file would be:

1. Clone this repo (comes with apache axis 1.4 and related jars).
2. Download the WSDL file into the wsdl/ directory (this comes with the Pingdom WSDL file from https://ws.pingdom.com/soap/PingdomAPI.wsdl)
3. Figure out any namespace mappings you need for the generated code (see the --NStoPkg argument in build.sh)
4. Add that codegen to the build.sh template, along with any javadoc, compilation, and jar-building commands.

Enjoy. I know I did.