
Emulate Textmate's cmd+T for arbitrary lists

Primary LanguageRuby


FuzzyTextMatcher is a simplified version of jamis’ FuzzyFileFinder (github.com/jamis/fuzzy_file_finder), which is itself an implementation of TextMate’s “cmd-T” functionality. FuzzyFileFinder allows you to search for a file by specifying a pattern of characters that appear in that file’s name. FuzzyTextMatcher simplifies that to match against a given list of strings, removing all the directory- and file-related code.


  • Quickly search a list of entries for a non-contiguous pattern, e.g. in a list of countries “us” will match Ru(ss)ia, Hond(u)ra(s), (U)nited (S)tates, (U)zbeki(s)tan, etc.

  • Simple highlighting of matches to discover how a pattern matched

  • Instead of passing in a list of strings, you can also pass in a list of objects along with a proc defining how to name each object, and you can fuzzy match against of a list of objects.


In a nutshell:

require 'fuzzy_text_matcher'
matcher = FuzzyTextMatcher.new(["United States", "Canada", "Mexico", "Honduras"])

matcher.search("us") do |match|
  puts "[%5d] %s" % [match[:score] * 10000, match[:highlighted_name]]

results = matcher.find("us").sort_by { |m| [-m[:score], m[:name]] }
results.each do |match|
  puts "[%5d] %s" % [match[:score] * 10000, match[:highlighted_name]]

See FuzzyTextMatcher for more documentation, and links to further information.



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