Pomerium Vault Access

This is a small wrapper that allows you to access Hashicorp Vault behind a Pomerium auth proxy.

Assumes that you have vault installed in your working path.

"pv" = pomerium -> vault


sudo -H pip3 install requests
cat main.py | sed  -e 's/{{VAULT_ADDR}}/your.vault.address.com/g' > vlogin
chmod +x vlogin
sudo mv vlogin /usr/local/bin/vlogin


Put this function in your .bashrc file:

pv() { vault $1 -header "Authorization=Pomerium $(cat ~/.pomerium_jwt)" $2 $3 $4; }

Restart your terminal or

source ~/.bashrc

Then use as normal:

# login at the beginning of your session

# use 'pv' in-place of 'vault'
export VAULT_TOKEN=hvc.123.abc
pv status
pv kv get kv/test
... etc ...