
Computer science and computer-adjacent papers (and sometimes books) that have influenced me deeply.

Computer science and computer-adjacent papers (and sometimes books) that have influenced me deeply.

Directory structure and classifications borrowed (er, stolen) from https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love


It's very difficult to pick only a handful and call them my favorites. I've tried in the past with varying success, but honestly my top picks today will likely be different next week. That said, here are a few that I truly love.

├── Lenat-Beings.pdf
├── McCarthy-Programs_With_Common_Sense.pdf
├── Hoare-An_Axiomatic_Basis_for_Computer_Programming.pdf
├── McCarthy-Recursive_Functions_of_Symbolic_Expressions_and_Their_Computation_by_Machine_Part_1.pdf
├── Barton-A_New_Approach_to_the_Functional_Design_of_a_New_Computer.pdf
└── Moseley-Out_of_the_Tarpit.pdf
├── Engelbart-Augmenting_Human_Intellect.pdf
├── forth
│   └── Moore-Forth_The_Early_Years.pdf
├── lisp
│   ├── Hart-MACRO_Definitions_for_LISP.pdf
│   └── McCarthy-LISP_15_Programmers_Manual.pdf
└── smalltalk
    └── Kay-The_Early_History_of_Smalltalk.pdf
├── Ernst-Predicate_Dispatch.pdf
├── Schorre-META-II_A_Syntax-oriented_Compiler_Writing_Language.pdf