San Francisco, But Crime

This is my crack at LiveEarth's coding takehome. A live version of the website is available here.

Video Link

You can access a 4-minute video of me running through a demo here.


You'll have a hex of a time with hexagons!


Investigate those miscellaneous details with a closer look! Filters!


Colorful charts and maps are fun for the whole family!



Things I Liked

  • React hooks are awesome! It's been a while since I've touched the JS ecosystem and despite hooks being foregin at first, I found it to be a very enjoyable programming experience.
  • I quite like using Nivo, and find it to be a very polished dataviz library.
  • Jesse popped in a few times and explained some distilled patterns like using react-query in lieu of calling APIs in useEffect(). Very insightful.
  • San Francisco's Government has some fascinating data sources on Socrata.

Things I Didn't Like

  • I ran into a few instances where I would write something like dataset.filter when I needed to actually use dataset.filters. I would consequently spend the next 15 minutes hunting down the problem when TypeScript would've made it a non-issue.
  • Similarly, accidentally omitting braces or writing a React Component as ({prop1}, {prop2}) => ... instead of ({prop1, prop2}) => ... would lead to an excessively long hair-loss session. D'oh.
  • I used Grommet for my component and styling needs, and I struggled getting things looking just right. I'm not satisfied with how things in the sidebar look, and I felt that there wasn't enough examples/documentation/etc. to solve my issues without spending an inordinate amount of time.

Action Items If I Redid The Project

  • Debugger debugger debugger.
  • Take a moment and learn TypeScript, and then use TypeScript.
  • Vet the ecosystem of my prefab component framework-of-choice for more than just 10 seconds.
  • Use memoize, have a more centralized theming, and debounce onChange() events like the color picker.



git clone


yarn install


yarn build


yarn start

Bottom of the README

Friend of the People