
Game Example for using layabox + cannon.js + tween.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Make a game like ketchapp's game - soccer

Develop h5 Web Game with form Unity asset.

Asset form Fantasy Skybox FREE and Simple Soccer & Basketball

LayaAir IDE 1.7.16 download

LayaBox-LayaAir-UnityPlugin export 3d model form Unity to LayaAir IDE 1.7.16

QuickStart guide for 3D project

layabox + cannon.js + tween.js


Create your own Laya Skybox json format ".lts" file mapping from Unity Skynox assets

"px": "px_left.jpg",
"nx": "nx_right.jpg",
"py": "py_up.jpg",
"ny": "ny_down.jpg",
"pz": "pz_front.jpg",
"nz": "nz_back.jpg",
"size": 256

License MIT