
Python WAPI Client

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Infoblox Client

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Client for interacting with Infoblox NIOS over WAPI.


Install infoblox-client using pip:

pip install infoblox-client


Configure logger prior to loading infoblox_client to get all debug messages in console:

import logging

Low level API, using connector module

Retrieve list of network views from NIOS:

from infoblox_client import connector

opts = {'host': '', 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'}
conn = connector.Connector(opts)
# get all network_views
network_views = conn.get_object('networkview')
# search network by cidr in specific network view
network = conn.get_object('network', {'network': '', 'network_view': 'default'})

For these request data is returned as list of dicts:

[{u'_ref': u'networkview/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfdmlldyQw:default/true',
  u'is_default': True,
  u'name': u'default'}]

[{u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAwLjAuMC4wLzgvMA:',
  u'network': u'',
  u'network_view': u'default'}]

High level API, using objects

Example of creating Network View, Network, DNS View, DNSZone and HostRecord using NIOS objects:

from infoblox_client import connector
from infoblox_client import objects

opts = {'host': '', 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'}
conn = connector.Connector(opts)

Create a network view, and network:

nview = objects.NetworkView.create(conn, name='my_view')
network = objects.Network.create(conn, network_view='my_view', cidr='')

Create a DNS view and zone:

view = objects.DNSView.create(conn, network_view='my_view', name='my_dns_view')
zone = objects.DNSZone.create(conn, view='my_dns_view', fqdn='my_zone.com')

Create a host record:

my_ip = objects.IP.create(ip='', mac='aa:bb:cc:11:22:33')
hr = objects.HostRecord.create(conn, view='my_dns_view',
                               name='my_host_record.my_zone.com', ip=my_ip)

Create host record with Extensible Attributes (EA):

ea = objects.EA({'Tenant ID': tenantid, 'CMP Type': cmptype,
                 'Cloud API Owned': True})
host = objects.HostRecord.create(conn, name='new_host', ip=my_ip, extattrs=ea)

Set the TTL to 30 minutes:

hr = objects.HostRecord.create(conn, view='my_dns_view',
                               name='my_host_record.my_zone.com', ip=my_ip,
                               ttl = 1800)

Create a new host record, from the next available IP in a CIDR, with a MAC address, and DHCP enabled:

next = objects.IPAllocation.next_available_ip_from_cidr('default', '')
my_ip = objects.IP.create(ip=next, mac='aa:bb:cc:11:22:33', configure_for_dhcp=True)
host = objects.HostRecord.create(conn, name='some.valid.fqdn', view='Internal', ip=my_ip)

Reply from NIOS is parsed back into objects and contains next data:

In [22]: hr
Out[22]: HostRecordV4: _ref=record:host/ZG5zLmhvc3QkLjQuY29tLm15X3pvbmUubXlfaG9zdF9yZWNvcmQ:my_host_record.my_zone.com/my_dns_view, name=my_host_record.my_zone.com, ipv4addrs=[<infoblox_client.objects.IPv4 object at 0x7f7d6b0fe9d0>], view=my_dns_view

Create a new fixed address, with a MS server DHCP reservation:

obj, created = objects.FixedAddress.create_check_exists(connector=conn,
                                                        comment='My DHCP reservation',
                                                        name='My hostname',
                                                        ms_server={'_struct': 'msdhcpserver',
                                                                   'ipv4addr': ''})

High level API, using InfobloxObjectManager

Create a new fixed address, selecting it from the next available IP in a CIDR:

from infoblox_client.object_manager import InfobloxObjectManager

new_address = InfobloxObjectManager(conn).create_fixed_address_from_cidr(netview='default', mac='aa:bb:cc:11:22:33', cidr='', extattrs=[])

What you get back is a FixedAddressV4 object.

Objects Interface

All top level objects support interface for CRUD operations. List of supported objects is defined in next section.

  • create(cls, connector, check_if_exists=True, update_if_exists=False, **kwargs)
    Creates object on NIOS side. Requires connector passed as the first argument, check_if_exists and update_if_exists are optional. Object related fields are passed in as kwargs: field=value, field2=value2.
  • search(cls, connector, return_fields=None, search_extattrs=None, force_proxy=False, **kwargs)
    Search single object on NIOS side, returns first object that match search criteria. Requires connector passed as the first argument. return_fields can be set to retrieve particular fields from NIOS, for example return_fields=['view', 'name']. If return_fields is [] default return_fields are returned by NIOS side for current wapi_version. search_extattrs is used to filter out results by extensible attributes. force_proxy forces search request to be processed on Grid Master (applies only in cloud environment)
  • search_all(cls, connector, return_fields=None, search_extattrs=None, force_proxy=False, **kwargs)
    Search all objects on NIOS side that match search criteria. Returns a list of objects. All other options are equal to search().
  • update(self)
    Update the object on NIOS side by pushing changes done in the local object.
  • delete(self)
    Deletes the object from NIOS side.

Supported NIOS objects

  • NetworkView for 'networkview'
  • DNSView for 'view'
  • DNSZone for 'zone_auth'
  • Member for 'member'
  • Network (V4 and V6)
    • NetworkV4 for 'network'
    • NetworkV6 for 'ipv6network'
  • IPRange (V4 and V6)
    • IPRangeV4 for 'range'
    • IPRangeV6 for 'ipv6range'
  • HostRecord (V4 and V6)
    • HostRecordV4 for 'record:host'
    • HostRecordV6 for 'record:host'
  • FixedAddress (V4 and V6)
    • FixedAddressV4 for 'fixedaddress'
    • FixedAddressV6 for 'ipv6fixedaddress'
  • IPAddress (V4 and V6)
    • IPv4Address for 'ipv4address'
    • IPv6Address for 'ipv6address'
  • ARecordBase
    • ARecord for 'record:a'
    • AAAARecord for 'record:aaaa'
  • PtrRecord (V4 and V6)
    • PtrRecordV4 for 'record:ptr'
    • PtrRecordV6 for 'record:ptr'
  • EADefinition for 'extensibleattributedef'
  • CNAMERecord for 'record:cname'
  • MXRecord for 'record:mx'

Search by regular expression

Search for partial match is supported only by low-level API for now. Use '~' with field name to search by regular expressions. Not all fields support search by regular expression. Refer to wapidoc to find out complete list of fields that can be searched this way. Examples:

Find all networks that starts with '10.10.':

conn = connector.Connector(opts)
nw = conn.get_object('network', {'network~': '10.10.'})

Find all host records that starts with '10.10.':

conn = connector.Connector(opts)
hr = conn.get_object('record:host', {'ipv4addr~': '10.10.'})

More examples

Utilizing extensible attributes and searching on them can easily be done with the get_object function. The default field in return_fields acts like the + does in WAPI.

> _return_fields+ Specified list of fields (comma separated) will be returned in addition to the basic fields of the object (documented for each object).

This enables you to always get the default values in return, in addition to what you specify whether you search for a network or a networkcontainer, defined as place_to_check in the code below.

from infoblox_client.connector import Connector

def default_infoblox_connection():
    opts = {'host': '', 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'}
    conn = Connector(opts)
    return conn

def search_extensible_attribute(connection, place_to_check: str, extensible_attribute: str, value: str):
    Find extensible attributes.
    :param connection: Infoblox connection
    :param place_to_check: Can be `network`, `networkcontainer` or `record:host` and so on.
    :param extensible_attribute: Which extensible attribute to search for. Can be `CustomerCode`, `Location`
    and so on.
    :param value: The value you want to search for.
    :return: result
    extensible_args = [
            f"*{extensible_attribute}:~": value,
    kwargs = {
        'return_fields': [
    result = {"type": f"{place_to_check}", "objects": connection.get_object(*extensible_args, **kwargs)}
    return result

connection = default_infoblox_connection()

search_network = search_extensible_attribute(connection, "network", "CustomerCode", "Infoblox")
# Print the output:
  "type": "network",
  "objects": [
      "_ref": "network/ZG5zLmhvc3QkLjQuY29tLm15X3pvbmUubXlfaG9zdF9yZWNvcmQ:",
      "comment": "Infoblox Network",
      "extattrs": {
        "CustomerCode": {
          "value": "Infoblox"
      "network": "",
      "network_view": "default"

search_host = search_extensible_attribute(connection, "record:host", "CustomerCode", "Infoblox")
# Print the output:
  "type": "record:host",
  "objects": [
      "_ref": "record:host/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfdmlldyQw:InfobloxHost",
      "extattrs": {
        "CustomerCode": {
          "value": "Infoblox"
      "ipv4addrs": [
          "_ref": "record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfdmlldyQwdvcmtfdmlldyQw:",
          "configure_for_dhcp": false,
          "host": "InfobloxHost",
          "ipv4addr": ""
      "name": "InfobloxHost",
      "view": " "


  • TODO