
This is a POC/MVP project to let me use my JAVA et programming skills.

You can navigate to all git branches to see the added features and technical changes.

Skills used (not exhaustive):

  • Java 8
  • JDBC
  • JPA / Hibernate
  • Spring IOC
  • Spring ORM
  • Spring transtation
  • Spring Data
  • Posgres
  • Eclipse
  • reading .properties file using annotations
  • ... (coming soon)

Designs/principals/Architectures (not exhaustive):

  • DRY
  • ACID
  • OOP
  • functionnal programming (stream)
  • ... (coming soon)



  • You have to install postgres
  • sync the password present into the persistence.xml and the role one:
    • use this SQL : ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'my_postgres_password';
  • create a database named pizzeria and a schema named schema1

Java xml formater