
UNMAINTAINED: A CPython wrapper around the sikuli standalone jar

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A CPython wrapper around the sikuli standalone jar


Sikuli is traditionally written in Jython, which is painful if you want to mix it with Selenium scripts. This module makes it possible for CPython to run the Jython scripts created by Sikuli-IDE.

How it works

This module wraps the sikuli standalone jar using pyjnius from the Kivy project. Pyjnius allows us to use java classes in CPython.


  • 32-bit JDK
  • 32-bit Python 2.7
  • cython 0.19.2
  • pyjnius 1.1-dev


###On Linux/Mac Ensure your python instance (virtualenv or global) meets all the above requirements Run pip install sikuli

###On Windows: Simply run pip install sikuli, this will install cython if not already installed, pyjnius, and sikuli. Make sure the path to a jvm.dll is in your PATH environment variable. The path should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk[YOUR JDK VERSION]\jre\bin\server


  • If pip install sikuli times out, try pip --default-timeout=100 install sikuli. It's downloading a jar from PyPi, so it may take longer than your average module.
  • pyjnius is known to be inconsistent in Window 7 64-bit. If you see a jvm memory error, try relogging into your profile.