
Thin wrapper around Questrade's REST API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


This is a thin python wrapper around Questrade's REST API.

Questrade is a Canadian discount broker. They provide a REST API for use by clients and developers.

This module provides python bindings. It strives to be as simple as possible so that mere mortal users may read the code and convince themselves it's not going to steal / lose all their cash or mine bitcoin. It does not attempt to include any analysis, processing, recording or automation tools. These should be developed separately.

Note that Questrade has or will soon remove the ability to execute trades using its API due to regulatory concerns. This module was probably never going to support that anyway because it's too scary.

Getting started

To use it, you need an API key provided by Questrade. Go to the Questrade "App Hub" page by accessing the drop down menu under your username within your Questrade account, or go there directly by visiting https://login.questrade.com/APIAccess/UserApps.aspx.

Select "Register Personal App" to add a new entry for pyquestrade. It requires to following permissions:

  • Retrieve balances, positions, orders and executions
  • Retrieve delayed and real-time market data

Specifically, it does not require "Place, modify and cancel orders". There is currently no need for a callback URL.

Once you've createed the new App, click the "New Device" button, and then "Generate new token". Put the resulting string into the configuration file

echo <token> > ~/.config/pyquestrade/refresh_token

Now you're ready to start using the python module.

$ git clone https://github.com/kevmitch/pyquestrade.git
$ cd pyquestrade
$ ipython
In [1]: import Api
In [2]: api=Api()

Use the api object to query the list of your accounts

In [3]: api.accounts()
[{u'clientAccountType': u'Individual',
  u'isBilling': False,
  u'isPrimary': False,
  u'number': u'01234567',
  u'status': u'Active',
  u'type': u'Margin'},
 {u'clientAccountType': u'Individual',
  u'isBilling': False,
  u'isPrimary': False,
  u'number': u'89012345',
  u'status': u'Active',
  u'type': u'TFSA'},
 {u'clientAccountType': u'Individual',
  u'isBilling': True,
  u'isPrimary': True,
  u'number': u'67890123',
  u'status': u'Active',
  u'type': u'RRSP'}]

Get account activities for one of them

In [4]: from datetime import date
In [5]: account=api.get_account(type='TFSA')
In [6]: account.activities(date(2018,2,7),date(2018,2,8))
[{u'action': u'Buy',
  u'commission': -5.06,
  u'currency': u'CAD',
  u'description': u'VECIMA NETWORKS INC            WE ACTED AS AGENT              AVG PRICE - ASK US FOR DETAILS  ',
  u'grossAmount': -1236.1,
  u'netAmount': -1241.16,
  u'price': 9.508462,
  u'quantity': 130,
  u'settlementDate': u'2018-02-07T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'symbol': u'VCM.TO',
  u'symbolId': 40517,
  u'tradeDate': u'2018-02-05T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'transactionDate': u'2018-02-07T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'type': u'Trades'},
 {u'action': u'Buy',
  u'commission': -5.16,
  u'currency': u'CAD',
  u'description': u'TORONTO-DOMINION BANK          WE ACTED AS AGENT                ',
  u'grossAmount': -4352.35,
  u'netAmount': -4357.51,
  u'price': 71.35,
  u'quantity': 61,
  u'settlementDate': u'2018-02-08T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'symbol': u'TD.TO',
  u'symbolId': 38938,
  u'tradeDate': u'2018-02-06T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'transactionDate': u'2018-02-08T00:00:00.000000-05:00',
  u'type': u'Trades'}]

Or list positions including cost basis and market value

In [6]: account=api.positions()
Out [6]:
[{u'averageEntryPrice': 71.35,
  u'closedPnl': 0,
  u'closedQuantity': 0,
  u'currentMarketValue': 4631.12,
  u'currentPrice': 75.92,
  u'isRealTime': False,
  u'isUnderReorg': False,
  u'openPnl': 278.77,
  u'openQuantity': 61,
  u'symbol': u'TD.TO',
  u'symbolId': 38938,
  u'totalCost': 4352.35},
 {u'averageEntryPrice': 9.626604,
  u'closedPnl': 0,
  u'closedQuantity': 0,
  u'currentMarketValue': 4913.1,
  u'currentPrice': 9.27,
  u'isRealTime': False,
  u'isUnderReorg': False,
  u'openPnl': -189.00012,
  u'openQuantity': 530,
  u'symbol': u'VCM.TO',
  u'symbolId': 40517,
  u'totalCost': 5102.10012}]