
Transpile sass files using the "build" package.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Transpile sass files using the "build" package.


  1. create pubspec.yaml containing next code:
    bootstrap_sass: any # this dependency is only for demo purpose
    sass_builder: 0.0.1 # change it for latest version

1. create web/main.scss file and add next code:

@import "sub";
@import "package:bootstrap_sass/scss/variables";

.a {
  color: blue;

.c {
  color: $body-color;

2. create web/_sub.scss file and add next code:

.b {
  color: red;

3. create tool/build.dart file and add next code:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:build_runner/build_runner.dart';
import 'package:sass_builder/phase.dart';

Future main() async {
  await build([sassBuildAction]);

you can also create tool/watch.dart file and add next code:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:build_runner/build_runner.dart';
import 'package:sass_builder/phase.dart';

Future main() async {
  await watch([sassBuildAction], deleteFilesByDefault: true);

4. run either tool/build.dart or tool/watch.dart and then the file web/main.css will be generated containing next code:

.b {
  color: red;

.a {
  color: blue;

.c {
  color: #373a3c;