
Auxiliary modules don't hit stop()

para0x0dise opened this issue · 2 comments

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1. Issue:

I'm currently working on an auxiliary module that is used to capture a video of current analysis, but I have an issue that the analysis is finished without hitting stop() methods and also the results are incomplete.

1.1. How module works:

  • The module uses opencv-python library which uses multiple frames to produce the final video.
  • First, I specified the FPS to be 10 F/S which means that each frame will take 1/10 = 0.1 second, so I used a delta to maintain the frame rate.
import logging
import time
import timeit
import os
from threading import Thread
from lib.core.config import Config

from lib.common.abstracts import Auxiliary
from lib.common.results import upload_to_host

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    from PIL import ImageGrab

    HAVE_OPENCV = True
    HAVE_PIL = True"Libs are loaded")

except ImportError:
    HAVE_OPENCV = False
    HAVE_PIL = False
    log.error("Please Install Pillow and OpenCV libraries")

class Screen_recorder(Auxiliary, Thread):
    def __init__(self, options, config):
        Auxiliary.__init__(self, options, config)
        self.config = Config(cfg="analysis.conf")
        self.enabled = self.config.screen_recorder_windows
        self.do_run = self.enabled

    def collect_Video(self):
        videoPath = "C:\\recording.mp4"
        if os.path.exists(videoPath):
      "Trying to Upload the video...")

                upload_to_host(videoPath, "recording.mp4")
      "Video is uplodaed.")
            except Exception as e:

            log.error("The video file is not found")

    def start(self):
        if not self.enabled or not HAVE_OPENCV or not HAVE_PIL:
            return False"Timeout: {self.config.timeout}")
            trackingTime = 0
            videoPath = "C:\\recording.mp4"
            fps = 10.0
            screen_size = ImageGrab.grab().size
            fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
            out = cv2.VideoWriter(videoPath, fourcc, fps, screen_size)
            startingTime = timeit.default_timer()

            # MAXIMUM time taken to capture, process, and write the current frame.
            frameMaxDuration = 1.0 / fps

            while self.do_run:
                frameStartingTime = timeit.default_timer()

                img = ImageGrab.grab()
                frame = np.array(img)
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

                # Calculate elapsed time and sleep to maintain the frame rate
                # ACTUAL time taken to capture, process, and write the current frame.
                frameActualTime = timeit.default_timer() - frameStartingTime
                delta = frameMaxDuration - frameActualTime

                # This condition doesn't check the actual duration of the video, but the duration of the runtime
                # So we could produce a video of 30 seconds and the duration is only set to 10 seconds
                # So we should maintain the frame rate using the previous timing calculations
                if timeit.default_timer() - startingTime > self.config.timeout:

                if delta > 0:
                    # Sleep for the remaining time to match the frameMaxDuration
                    trackingTime += delta 

  "Video exists: {os.path.exists(videoPath)}")
  "Aux Duration: {trackingTime}")
  "Video is ready to upload")

            return True

        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def stop(self) -> bool:"Trying to stop the recorder......")

        self.do_run = False
        if self.enabled:
            return True
        return False

1.2. Submission Settings:

  1. Timeout: 100 sec
  2. File hash: e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322ed7c820e950ef8e2d1af7f9a66007a37cf9656630

1.3. Produced logs:

2024-08-08 13:56:20,265 [root] INFO: Date set to: 20240808T13:56:18, timeout set to: 100
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: Starting analyzer from: C:\tmpy5yb4181
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: Storing results at: C:\kSamqedlkr
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: Pipe server name: \\.\PIPE\AGJgvItW
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: Python path: C:\Users\node-1-win7-1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: analysis running as an admin
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: analysis package specified: "exe"
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: importing analysis package module: "modules.packages.exe"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: imported analysis package "exe"
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: initializing analysis package "exe"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [lib.common.common] INFO: wrapping
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [lib.core.compound] INFO: C:\Users\NODE-1~1\AppData\Local\Temp already exists, skipping creation
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] DEBUG: New location of moved file: C:\Users\NODE-1~1\AppData\Local\Temp\e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322e
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: Analyzer: Package modules.packages.exe does not specify a DLL option
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: Analyzer: Package modules.packages.exe does not specify a DLL_64 option
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: Analyzer: Package modules.packages.exe does not specify a loader option
2024-08-08 13:56:18,000 [root] INFO: Analyzer: Package modules.packages.exe does not specify a loader_64 option
2024-08-08 13:56:18,546 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.amsi"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,873 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.amsi_collector"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,873 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.browser"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,873 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.digisig"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,873 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.disguise"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,889 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.during_script"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,889 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.evtx"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,889 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.filepickup"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,889 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.human"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,889 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.permissions"...
2024-08-08 13:56:18,904 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.pre_script"...
2024-08-08 13:56:19,107 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.recentfiles"...
2024-08-08 13:56:19,107 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Libs are loaded
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.screenshots"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [lib.api.screenshot] DEBUG: Importing 'PIL.ImageChops'
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [lib.api.screenshot] DEBUG: Importing 'PIL.ImageGrab'
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [lib.api.screenshot] DEBUG: Importing 'PIL.ImageDraw'
2024-08-08 13:56:23,506 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.tlsdump"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Importing auxiliary module "modules.auxiliary.usage"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] WARNING: Auxiliary module AMSICollector was not implemented: 'Config' object has no attribute 'amsi'
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Browser"
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Browser"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Browser
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "DigiSig"
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "DigiSig"...
2024-08-08 13:56:23,522 [modules.auxiliary.digisig] DEBUG: Checking for a digital signature
2024-08-08 13:56:24,380 [modules.auxiliary.digisig] DEBUG: File is not signed
2024-08-08 13:56:24,380 [modules.auxiliary.digisig] INFO: Uploading signature results to aux/DigiSig.json
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module DigiSig
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Disguise"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Disguise"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [modules.auxiliary.disguise] INFO: Disguising GUID to 8f3b35d9-832b-4b1d-a805-b40d527ae1ba
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Disguise
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Evtx"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Evtx"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Evtx
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "FilePickup"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "FilePickup"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module FilePickup
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Human"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Human"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Human
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Permissions"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Permissions"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,396 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Permissions
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Pre_script"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Pre_script"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Pre_script
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "RecentFiles"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "RecentFiles"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module RecentFiles
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Screen_recorder"
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Screen_recorder"...
2024-08-08 13:56:24,520 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Timeout: 100
2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Video exists: True
2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Aux Duration: 80.6868926999998
2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Video is ready to upload
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Screen_recorder
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Screenshots"
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Screenshots"...
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Screenshots
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "TLSDumpMasterSecrets"
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "TLSDumpMasterSecrets"...
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [modules.auxiliary.tlsdump] INFO: lsass.exe found, pid 452
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [lib.api.process] INFO: Monitor config for <Process 452 lsass.exe>: C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\452.ini
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [lib.api.process] INFO: Option 'tlsdump' with value '1' sent to monitor
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [lib.api.process] INFO: 64-bit DLL to inject is C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\VPoWkna.dll, loader C:\tmpy5yb4181\bin\hKDWsKvt.exe
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: Loader: Injecting process 452 with C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\VPoWkna.dll.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,265 [root] DEBUG: 452: Python path set to 'C:\Users\node-1-win7-1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32'.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: 452: TLS secret dump mode enabled.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] INFO: Disabling sleep skipping.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: 452: Monitor initialised: 64-bit capemon loaded in process 452 at 0x000007FEEAE40000, thread 3792, image base 0x00000000FF210000, stack from 0x0000000001A94000-0x0000000001AA0000
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: 452: Commandline: C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: 452: Hooked 5 functions
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: InjectDllViaThread: Successfully injected Dll into process via RtlCreateUserThread.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Successfully injected DLL C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\VPoWkna.dll.
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [lib.api.process] INFO: Injected into 64-bit <Process 452 lsass.exe>
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module TLSDumpMasterSecrets
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "Usage"
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "Usage"...
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module Usage
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Initialized auxiliary module "During_script"
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Trying to start auxiliary module "During_script"...
2024-08-08 13:58:05,281 [root] DEBUG: Started auxiliary module During_script
2024-08-08 13:58:15,951 [root] INFO: Restarting WMI Service
2024-08-08 13:58:18,073 [root] DEBUG: package modules.packages.exe does not support configure, ignoring
2024-08-08 13:58:18,073 [root] WARNING: configuration error for package modules.packages.exe: error importing data.packages.exe: No module named 'data.packages'
2024-08-08 13:58:18,073 [lib.common.common] INFO: Submitted file is missing extension, adding .exe
2024-08-08 13:58:18,073 [lib.core.compound] INFO: C:\Users\NODE-1~1\AppData\Local\Temp already exists, skipping creation
2024-08-08 13:58:18,089 [lib.api.process] INFO: Successfully executed process from path "C:\Users\NODE-1~1\AppData\Local\Temp\e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322e.exe" with arguments "" with pid 3244
2024-08-08 13:58:18,089 [lib.api.process] INFO: Monitor config for <Process 3244 e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322e.exe>: C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\3244.ini
2024-08-08 13:58:18,089 [lib.api.process] INFO: 32-bit DLL to inject is C:\tmpy5yb4181\dll\pLbbBGHE.dll, loader C:\tmpy5yb4181\bin\xvkIjzM.exe


2024-08-08 13:58:47,058 [root] DEBUG: 2100: hook_api: Warning - CreateRemoteThreadEx export address 0x76DBA24B differs from GetProcAddress -> 0x75CB3FDF (KERNELBASE.dll::0x13fdf)
2024-08-08 13:58:47,058 [root] DEBUG: 2100: hook_api: Warning - UpdateProcThreadAttribute export address 0x76DBAACB differs from GetProcAddress -> 0x75CAF9CB (KERNELBASE.dll::0xf9cb)
2024-08-08 13:58:47,058 [root] DEBUG: 2100: Hooked 490 functions
2024-08-08 13:58:47,073 [root] DEBUG: 2100: WoW64 detected: 64-bit ntdll base: 0x777c0000, KiUserExceptionDispatcher: 0x0, NtSetContextThread: 0x7782b610, Wow64PrepareForException: 0x0
2024-08-08 13:58:47,073 [root] DEBUG: 2100: WoW64 workaround: KiUserExceptionDispatcher hook installed at: 0x1c0000
2024-08-08 13:58:47,073 [root] INFO: Loaded monitor into process with pid 2100
2024-08-08 13:58:47,073 [root] DEBUG: 2100: caller_dispatch: Added region at 0x00470000 to tracked regions list (kernel32::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime returns to 0x00475A43, thread 2540).
2024-08-08 13:58:47,073 [root] DEBUG: 2100: YaraScan: Scanning 0x00470000, size 0x93f2
2024-08-08 13:58:47,089 [root] DEBUG: 2100: ProcessImageBase: Main module image at 0x00470000 unmodified (entropy change 0.000000e+00)
2024-08-08 13:58:48,181 [root] DEBUG: 2100: NtTerminateProcess hook: Attempting to dump process 2100
2024-08-08 13:58:48,181 [root] DEBUG: 2100: VerifyCodeSection: Executable code does not match, 0x0 of 0x53fc matching
2024-08-08 13:58:48,181 [root] DEBUG: 2100: DoProcessDump: Code modification detected, dumping Imagebase at 0x00470000.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,181 [root] DEBUG: 2100: DumpImageInCurrentProcess: Attempting to dump virtual PE image.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,181 [root] DEBUG: 2100: DumpProcess: Instantiating PeParser with address: 0x00470000.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,197 [root] DEBUG: 2100: DumpProcess: Module entry point VA is 0x00005703.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,212 [lib.common.results] INFO: Uploading file C:\kSamqedlkr\CAPE\2100_56801014818148482024 to procdump\8956125f603bbd25f1ab242874d8c27806e483f1737f909136deec632459e900; Size is 27648; Max size: 100000000
2024-08-08 13:58:48,212 [root] DEBUG: 2100: DumpProcess: Module image dump success - dump size 0x6c00.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,212 [root] INFO: Process with pid 2100 has terminated
2024-08-08 13:58:48,228 [lib.common.results] INFO: Uploading file C:\Users\node-1-win7-1\AppData\Local\Temp\e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322e.exe to files\e5074e3ee4bb9bb9abf6322ed7c820e950ef8e2d1af7f9a66007a37cf9656630; Size is 233472; Max size: 100000000
2024-08-08 13:58:48,243 [root] DEBUG: 1600: NtTerminateProcess hook: Attempting to dump process 1600
2024-08-08 13:58:48,243 [root] DEBUG: 1600: DoProcessDump: Skipping process dump as code is identical on disk.
2024-08-08 13:58:48,243 [root] INFO: Process with pid 1600 has terminated
2024-08-08 13:58:51,629 [root] INFO: Process with pid 3504 has terminated
2024-08-08 13:58:51,644 [root] DEBUG: 3504: ClearAllBreakpoints: Error setting thread context (thread 3968).
2024-08-08 13:58:51,644 [root] DEBUG: 3504: NtTerminateProcess hook: Attempting to dump process 3504
2024-08-08 13:58:51,644 [root] DEBUG: 3504: DoProcessDump: Skipping process dump as code is identical on disk.
2024-08-08 13:58:52,799 [root] DEBUG: 416: api-rate-cap: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime hook disabled due to rate
2024-08-08 13:58:52,799 [root] DEBUG: 416: api-rate-cap: NtSetTimer hook disabled due to rate

Here we can see that the video exists and is ready to be uploaded. I also checked the total sleeping time for delta and I found out that it is 80 sec.

2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Video exists: True
2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Aux Duration: 80.6868926999998
2024-08-08 13:58:05,250 [modules.auxiliary.screen_recorder] INFO: Video is ready to upload

1.4. My Conclusion:

I think that there is a timing synchronization issue, CAPE ends the analysis before it's actually finished due to sleeping duration because the successful analysis should include the following in the analysis logs

2024-08-08 13:54:24,636 [root] INFO: Analysis completed

hm thats interesting

I think we should add a optional grace time to cuckoo timeout to allow the analyzer to stop (after the original timeout) and upload things

Edit: timeouts.critical does this