- 3
Errors in and after plugins update
#2382 opened by pschivo - 9 script bug prevents installation of sandbox
#2374 opened by lesszzen - 5
Analysis Failing After Error Unlocking Physical Machine - session.add(machine) - Can't attach, another instance present in this session.
#2353 opened by boulwabd - 5
windows 11 support
#2372 opened by baldLin3934 - 4
Introducing CAPE Guru on
#2344 opened by kursataktas - 3
- 3
Update to mongodb 8.0
#2360 opened by Maxou56800 - 4
The view dashboard.views.index didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.
#2348 opened by YungBinary - 2
Config Issue with result_server and API questions
#2350 opened by Kmalevski - 5
Al-khaser bypass is misleading
#2337 opened by packmad - 3
FormhookB Yara Rule: all instead of any
#2339 opened by daschr - 0
Feature Request: Tesseract OCR
#2338 opened by kevross33 - 1
- 21
Virt-manager LibVirt error in
#2322 opened by xx0red - 7
Problem with stable performance of CAPE - 'This can indicate the guest losing network connectivity'
#2326 opened by Parithmos424 - 14
Database and AZ machinery issue
#2323 opened by cccs-mog - 5
ERROR: osProfile': '(InvalidParameter) Required parameter 'osProfile' is missing (null)
#2250 opened by yveskerbens - 4
Replace httpreplay with something faster
#2314 opened by josh-feather - 0 never reaches the cleaner code
#2318 opened by ClaudioWayne - 3
Cannot continue with installation because of
#2316 opened by Kmalevski - 8
Install Script Poetry Error
#2311 opened by xx0red - 16
capev2 physical machine sqlalchemy errors
#2258 opened by marsomx - 11
- 11
429 HTTP Error with screenshots
#2308 opened by xme - 7
No packets from/to guests?
#2304 opened by xme - 4
Default gateway lost after cron job execution!?
#2303 opened by xme - 4
The AzSniffer module initialization failed, causing the initialization to return
#2254 opened by JohnSmith054 - 5
Attempting to monitor Medusa ransomware sample via syscall hooks causes BSOD
#2305 opened by seanthegeek - 27
sqalchemy StaleDataError with Azure machinery
#2242 opened by ChrisThibodeaux - 3
QA: How does Cape pull data from virtual machines ?
#2297 opened by n0tduck1e - 2
Auxiliary modules don't hit stop()
#2268 opened by para0x0dise - 2
win10_disabler.ps1 error
#2278 opened by qux-bbb - 3
keyError = ttd modules.packages.exe encountered the unhandled exception
#2279 opened by lockroz - 2
Machine status failed. This can indicate the guest losing network connectivity
#2253 opened by Parithmos424 - 6
Unserviceable task (only Office doc)
#2248 opened by xme - 10
VirusTotal (VT) section not filling in on Web GUI
#2239 opened by JTurn01 - 7
URL Submission not properly handling commas
#2218 opened by CarsonHrusovsky - 10
session.add(machine) in unlock_machine function causes analysis to fail.
#2225 opened by Cassandra-Fu - 5
- 0
update king rat parser
#2244 opened by doomedraven - 1
URL analysis doesn't output VT results
#2245 opened by MikeEffect - 7
Human interactions are not working properly
#2238 opened by artist740 - 15
Az.conf missing `machines` key.
#2228 opened by ChrisThibodeaux - 1
Question regarding Network routing and InetSim
#2236 opened by artist740 - 3
CAPE can't find the directory with logs
#2230 opened by MikeEffect - 1
AzSniffer module not working properly when sniffing multiple VMSS instances
#2229 opened by leoiancu21 - 5
Unable to Communicate with Inetsim after Merging #2216
#2226 opened by t-mtsmt - 3
Missing debugger UI tab
#2222 opened by Cassandra-Fu - 6
Getting false positives in signatures
#2223 opened by MU-03 - 6
Analysis keeps on Processing leading to failed analysis
#2213 opened by MU-03