
TicTacToe in C++

Primary LanguageC++


TicTacToe in C++

I'm just playing around and learning C++ for fun. If you want to compile this you'll need some sort of curses library linked up. There is a compiled Windows x86-32bit binary already included (I think it's 32 bit)


  • Player vs. AI (AI can make mistakes - otherwise, you'd never win)
  • Random starts (sometimes Humans go first, sometimes the AI does)
  • Draw detection (you won't have to keep playing)

Some things to consider doing include:

  • Create a makefile and cross platform capabilities
  • Add functionality to allow 2 human player matches
  • Add functionality to allow 2 AI player matches
  • Port to some graphics library instead
  • Make something more interesting to play, like Solitaire, or Reversi