
Simple Book Listing App where Data is Stored in Local Storage. Written in both ES5 and ES6

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book List App (Vanilla JavaScript)

This is a simple book Listing application that stores Book name, Author name, amd ISBN number into the Local storage


  1. Red Error Message if fields are empty.
  2. Book data stored in Local Storage so reloading wont remove the data.
  3. Code writen in ES5 annd ES6 standard.
  4. X button to Delete the book list.
  5. Green Alert for Book Added and Book Removed.

Screenshots are added in screenshots folder and each image is renamed according to the function performed on it.

Skeleton UI has been used to style the HTML. The entire project has been built on Vanilla Javascript that is, no frameworks have been used. All The DOM manipulation and Document Selecting is done with Javascript. This project was built for learning purpose and is not intended to be used in any commercial project.

This Project has been taken from Brad Traversy's Modern JavaScript From The Beginning Course.