
Git hook to ensure semantic commit messages.

Primary LanguageShell


Git hook to ensure semantic commit messages.

You can install this on your templates using ./install.sh so when you use git init you'll have this done. You can also use this only on specific projects running ./install.sh path/to/a/repo


Optionally, you can use the commit-emoji.sh script to add some emoji locally to your git logs.

  1. Add the commit-emoji.sh script somewhere in your path (I use ~/scripts/)
  2. Edit your .gitconfig and set it as your pager
  pager = ~/scripts/commit-emoji.sh | less --raw-control-chars -FXS -x2


leo@sputnik:~/Code/git-semantics$ git commit -am "teste"
Please use semantic commit messages:
Please use semantic commit messages:
feat[(scope)]: add hat wobble
^--^ ^--*--^   ^------------^ -> Summary in present tense.
 *      *-> [optional]: Scope of the commit.
 *-> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, merge, perf, refact, style, test, or wip.
leo@sputnik:~/Code/git-semantics$ git commit -m "feat: add installer"
[master 6333498] feat: add installer
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 install.sh


  1. https://seesparkbox.com/foundry/semantic_commit_messages
  2. http://karma-runner.github.io/0.10/dev/git-commit-msg.html


Code released under the Beer-Ware license.

As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If you meet any contributor some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy him a beer in return.
You can check the people who contributed to this on https://github.com/kewitz/git-semantics/graphs/contributors.