
static-marks converts plain yaml bookmark files into a static web app. This template is deploying it to Github-Pages using the github-pages-action on a commit on master.

Share and search bookmarks without 3rd-party-software, allow everybody in your team editing it.

Use a bookmark-keyword to immediately search your bookmarks, i.e. firefox:

  • bookmark a link like with an %s-placeholder, i.e. https://{user}{repo}/?search=%s
  • give it keyword, i.e. b
  • type in your browsers address-bar b chocolate

See the example here:


  1. click on the friendly green button "Use this template"
  2. choose a name and make the repository public (otherwise github-pages wouldn't be possible)
  3. Repository-Settings -> Options -> github-pages -> source -> gh-pages Branch (enforce https)
  4. edit the bookmark.yml-File within the root-directory (just do it in github, no need to clone it)
  5. commit
  6. check youre url github-page on https://{user}{repo}