Project Overview

In order to effectively assess applicants in a variety of languages, we needed a fast way to setup technology stacks ready to be developed on. This project aims to do just that. There are three directories each containing a Vagrantfile that will provision a box ready to be developed on in that language. After setting Vagrant and Virtualbox up (outlined below) you can read more about setting up your chosen environment in the README's specific to that environment. Those README's also describe a bit about the frameworks used in the environment


  1. Ensure your host computer has the following minimum specifications:

    • Memory: 4Gb
    • CPUs: 4vCPUs
  2. git needs to be installed on your machine so this repository can be checked out and submodules can be included

  3. Download and install Virtualbox which is the default virtualization technology used by vagrant.

  4. Download and install vagrant which should be considered a driver, or front-end for various virtualization technologies (e.g. Virtualbox).

  5. Once vagrant and virtaulbox are installed, open up a command line and execute the following (note: In windows you should make sure vagrant is in your PATH environment variable).

      vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
      vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

    Installing the vagrant-vbguest plugin is necessary to ensure that vagrant checks that the version of VirtualBox Guest Additions installed on the guest operating system matches the version of VirtualBox being used to run the virtual machine. In cases where the VirtualBox Guest Addtions version does not match the version of VirtualBox, you may see vagrant report errors or have trouble providing basic functionality such as networking or mapping of shared drives.

  6. Finally, clone this repo and checkout any submodules

      git submodule init
      git submodule update

Vagrant Overview

Vagrant is a tool to programmatically manipulate and provision virtualboxes.

To start the Virtualbox and run any provisioning run

  vagrant up

To simply provision an already running box run

  vagrant provision

To get a shell connection within the virtualbox run

  vagrant ssh

Note - if you are running this on a Windows machine you will not have ssh available to you. You can use a client like PuTTY to connect to the box. The connection credentials for the client will look like:

  • Host:
  • Port: 2222
  • Username: vagrant
  • Password: vagrant

Connecting to MySQL

Each flavor of virtualbox has MySQL installed. To connect from the host machine you can connect using the following credentials

  • Host: (e.g. localhost to your workstation)
  • Port: 3310
  • Username: interview
  • Password: interview