
Tools for various online judges. Downloading sample cases, generating additional test cases, testing your code, and submitting it.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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oj is a command to help solving problems on various online judges. This command automates downloading sample cases, generating additional test cases, testing for your code, and submitting it.




  • Download sample cases
  • Download system test cases
  • Login
  • Submit your code
  • Test your code
  • Test your code for reactive problems
  • Generate input files from generators
  • Generate output files from input and reference implementation

For the detailed documentation, read docs/getting-started.md.

Many online judges (Codeforces, AtCoder, HackerRank, etc.) are supported. For the full list, see the table of online-judge-tools/api-client.

How to install

The package is https://pypi.python.org/pypi/online-judge-tools PyPI.

$ pip3 install online-judge-tools

For detailed instructions, read docs/INSTALL.md.

How to use

$ oj download [--system] URL
$ oj login URL
$ oj submit [URL] FILE
$ oj test [-c COMMAND] [TEST...]
$ oj test-reactive [-c COMMAND] JUDGE_COMMAND
$ oj generate-input GENERATOR_COMMAND
$ oj generate-output [-c COMMAND] [TEST...]

For details, see $ oj --help.


$ oj download http://agc001.contest.atcoder.jp/tasks/agc001_a
[INFO] online-judge-tools 11.2.0 (+ online-judge-api-client 10.8.0)
[INFO] load cookie from: /home/user/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[NETWORK] GET: https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a

[INFO] sample 0
[INFO] input: sample-1
1 3 1 2

[SUCCESS] saved to: test/sample-1.in
[INFO] output: sample-1

[SUCCESS] saved to: test/sample-1.out

[INFO] sample 1
[INFO] input: sample-2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29

[SUCCESS] saved to: test/sample-2.in
[INFO] output: sample-2

[SUCCESS] saved to: test/sample-2.out

$ cat <<EOF > main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
n = int(input())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
ans = max(a)

$ oj t -c "python3 main.py"
[INFO] online-judge-tools 11.2.0 (+ online-judge-api-client 10.8.0)
[INFO] 2 cases found

[INFO] sample-1
[INFO] time: 0.043601 sec

[INFO] sample-2
[INFO] time: 0.043763 sec
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29



[INFO] slowest: 0.043763 sec  (for sample-2)
[INFO] max memory: 10.064000 MB  (for sample-2)
[FAILURE] test failed: 1 AC / 2 cases


  • Can I use Python (or Rust, D, Java, F#, Haskell, etc.) instead of C++?
    • Yes. Please use --command (-c) option if needed. For example, for Python, you can run $ oj t -c "python3 main.py".
  • I usually make one directory per one contest (or, site). Can I keep using this style?
    • Yes, you can use the --directory (-d) option or $ rm -rf test/. However, we don't recommend this style, because you should make additional test cases by yourself and run stress tests to maximize your rating.
  • Can I download all sample cases of all problems at once?
  • Can I automatically compile my source code before testing?
    • Yes, use your shell. Run $ g++ main.cpp && oj t.
  • Can I automatically submit code after it passes tests?
    • Yes, use your shell. Run $ oj t && oj s main.cpp. By the way, you need to take care of problems whose sample cases are not so strong.
  • Can I remove the delays and the [y/N] confirmation before submitting code?
    • Yes, put --wait=0 option and --yes option to oj s subcommand. Of course, we don't recommend this. These options exist for failsafe. For example, please consider a situation where if you save 3 seconds, you will move up 3 places on the standings. In such a case, if you get a penalty of 5 minutes, then you will move down at least 300 places on the standings.
  • Are my passwords stored?
  • Does the config file exist?
    • No. You can use your .bashrc (or similar files) instead. It's a config file of your shell. Read man bash and write shell aliases or shell functions. For example, if you want to use Python code for tests by default, write alias oj-test-python='oj t -c "python3 main.py"' to .bashrc and use $ oj-test-python.

For other questions, use Gitter Join the chat at https://gitter.im/online-judge-tools/community or other SNSs.


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