Pinned issues
- 0
- 1
#608 opened by dirkzerwas - 4
KKMCee Wrapper problem with configfile option -c
#589 opened by dirkzerwas - 1
- 0
Known issues
#502 opened by jmcarcell - 4
New Key4hep release for the 2024 FCC week
#587 opened by BrieucF - 0
- 2
CEDViewer broken on Ubuntu 22 nightlies
#603 opened by tmadlener - 12
Build whizard with `+latex`
#565 opened by Zehvogel - 7
- 1
- 5
Possible clash with machine learning tool
#568 opened by Silence2107 - 2
Build container gcc version lagging behind?
#573 opened by Zehvogel - 2
Update ROOT to 6.30?
#576 opened by Zehvogel - 7
Sherpa's makelibs fails to compile
#575 opened by apricePhy - 2
Support rocky linux 9 in
#579 opened by giovannimarchiori - 0
- 8
Pushing to cern gitlab with kerberos authentification does not work with git from Key4hep
#537 opened by Zehvogel - 2
- 4
k4fwcore and podio: unable to concretize
#562 opened by wdconinc - 2
- 5
Whizard is not linked with HepMC
#549 opened by dirkzerwas - 3
- 5
- 9
New Key4hep release
#536 opened by tmadlener - 5
Nightly builds are not usable with Marlin
#492 opened by tmadlener - 1
System glibc and libnsl
#530 opened by kjvbrt - 7
Add HEED_DATABASE environment variable
#518 opened by wenxingfang - 1
Tutorial - python plotting not working on NAF
#534 opened by alaudrain - 3
Whizard does not have LCIO in nightly builds
#533 opened by tmadlener - 4
geoDisplay crashing on nightlies
#531 opened by aciarma - 7
key4hep release with k4SimDelphes tag v00-05
#514 opened by bistapf - 5
CED unusably slow
#516 opened by Zehvogel - 1
Set env variable for opendatadetector xml location?
#526 opened by Zehvogel - 0
- 6
Geant4 Qt visualization do not work properly
#505 opened by atolosadelgado - 1
Sourcing the nightlies fail
#524 opened by BrieucF - 4
Add `conddbmysql` to ilcsoft package
#517 opened by tmadlener - 2
Fail to create Geant4Output2EDM4hep in the nightlies
#500 opened by BrieucF - 1
Compiler errors when compiling Gaudi with AIDA
#504 opened by jmcarcell - 3
Incompatible ROOT and numpy versions
#497 opened by gartrog - 9
- 1
- 5
- 3
k4run error in nightlies
#498 opened by vvolkl - 2
Git broken in current nightlies
#493 opened by Zehvogel - 4
Python broken in nightlies
#495 opened by Zehvogel - 9
Error installing Whizard
#491 opened by Zehvogel - 1
Missing LCIO output from ddsim
#487 opened by Zehvogel - 0